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2005 News Archive

Owner Profile: Stephen Osiecki

Amberdoo Zwiebacks? What the hell is an amberdoo? Don’t we already have a couple of Zwiebacks in the league? As you can see, the entrance of Steve Osiecki into the league has already caused a stir, at least with the brothers Zwiebel who thought this a coup to slander their good standing in the Gammonsonian Diamonds. But as Stephen explains, Amberdoo Zwiebacks means “Fighting toast” and believes it will strike fear into his opponents. Obviously the Zwiebacks GM is hoping his team will be tougher than the metaphoric mighty glass of water which could quickly dampen any hopes his “toast” has at competing.

Stephen Osiecki is a 36 year old (don’t look now but the days of this being a 20-something league of hip single studs is almost over) married father of a 2 year old daughter and of course the obligatory dog. He resides in Raynam, MA, is a lifelong Boston sports fan, and has of course been reveling in the recent successes of his Patriots and the curse-breaking Red Sox. Steve has been playing rotisserie ball for the past 12 years predominantly in 1 league which is unfortunately folding secondary to high owner turnover. He recalls the glory days of the league, in the league’s infancy when it was a “bunch of friends that liked to drink beer, play golf, chase girls, and watch baseball. Roto baseball was really just an excuse to get together and have fun. We used to go to Red Sox games together and have a golf tournament followed by an awards banquet at the end of the year.” Over the years the owners drifted apart, good friends parted ways and the influx of work colleagues began. Turnover was growing and greed was running high. It was no longer a league of friends, fun, and entertainment but centered around taking home a big payout. Now a core group of virtual strangers where the dollar sign was the only driving principle, Osiecki found himself with few options remaining (tears pelt Stephen’s shoe tops but just as he is to give up all hope, he has finds the GMDS!!) . He is saved, or so he hopes.

GM Osiecki is enthused about the dispersal draft and upcoming season. Working as a GIS Specialist at a civil engineering firm in Boston he does have plenty of time to surf the net, making necessary player acquisitions and always trying to find that impact rookie who tends to evade his grasps. He is excited about joining the GMDS as the competition is stiff but more importantly, the camaraderie is reminiscent of his glory days. In fact, if Stephen wins he would like to return a good portion of the prize money to the people by holding a Gammonsonian get-together for all to partake. Class act and certainly could give Kimo a run as “Everybody’s favorite owner” should that in fact happen.

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