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Before She Found Her Wings

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Jacqueline’s Junque


She was told to do things accurately.
To think of others before herself;
to give to family and friends, foremost.
To comply, surrender and above all,
be obedient.
To look the other way, accept,
not to go against the grain.
She was told to be silent
again and again...
before she found her wings.

She was taught boys were always valid
but girls were timid and weak.
She was taught to suppress her desires,
her wants and needs
and not to speak of dreams.
She was taught power was something to fear,
not to have.
she was taught to use her body
not her brain...
before she found her wings.

She couldn't imagine
she would climb any obstacle
or her thoughts were substantial.
That she would rise above poverty,
refuse abuse and say No.
She couldn't imagine
she would be desired or needed;
or know just how far she would go.
She couldn't imagine
her wings were just tucked;
absent from sight...

She wouldn't realize this disguise
until she reached mid-life.
She took flight, feather-light;
gliding ever so high
soaring beyond gender indoctrination.
She sailed past everyone’s expectations.
She un-earthed her beautiful conception;
and unveiling her majestic wings...
her spirit serenely flies.

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Written By 2000 to 2005
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<BGSOUND SRC="image/missingmoments.wav" LOOP=INFINITE>

Song heard is "Missing Moments"
by Jim Brickman

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