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Daddy's Girl

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Jacqueline’s Junque


A song comes on the radio,
I haven't heard in years;
And a confident, mature woman
Is reduced to girlish tears.

My memories of Daddy,
With arms as strong as steel;
I wonder if he ever knew,
How safe he made me feel.

He was rough around the edges,
Never took much time for fun;
Hard work was what he lived for,
To get the job well done.

But there were special moments,
When he would take a rest;
To hold a tender, little girl,
Close to his massive chest.

Who could ever know this man
Could sing so beautifully?
And he would open up his heart,
To sing these words for me.

Though many may have feared,
The power of such a man;
I only knew the gentleness
Of his hardened, calloused hands.

The song for now has ended,
My composure I regain;
I'll tuck away these memories,
Till they play it once again.

No one has even noticed,
I was in my own little world;
Reliving cherished moments...
When I was Daddy's little girl.

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<BGSOUND SRC="image/littlegirl.wav" LOOP=INFINITE>

Song heard is "Daddy's Little Girl"
by Eddie Arnold

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