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Jacqueline’s Junque


Some of life's greatest moments,
I've found when I was alone;
Allowing all of my thoughts to float
Far past my humble home.

For dreams should not be limited,
Kept only for the dark of night,
My daydreams oft inspire me,
As I bask in warm day's sunlight.

I have some great adventures,
As I let my mind just wander,
Allowing all my thoughts to drift,
Stopping only just to ponder.

I'm never sure how far I'll journey,
When I travel inside of my mind;
Many treasure are deeply hidden
Just waiting for me to come find.

These days everyone's in a hurry,
And life... it goes by so fast,
In my peaceful place of solitude,
I can make each moment last.

Reveling in old sweet memories,
Imagining things not yet seen;
Enriching my mind and my spirit,
As I quietly sit and daydream.

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