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The Family Reunion

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Jacqueline’s Junque


All across America,
amidst our summertime fun;
Comes a glorious yearly event,
known as the Family Reunion.

From north and south, east and west,
from near and far away;
Gathering together as one,
to celebrate this day.

Junior home from college now,
united once again;
Sisters and brothers gather around,
to meet his new girlfriend.

There's an uncle up from Florida,
some cousins from PA;
They brought their newest inlaw too,
with a baby on the way.

An aunt from Mississippi,
with her new hubby in tow;
Lavishes hugs and pinches cheeks,
amazed how the little ones grow.

Out come the photo albums,
past reunions and their thrill;
The first year without Grandma,
left a spot no one can fill.

There are games, and love and laughter,
such a grand time we have all day;
Reuniting with our family,
taking time out just to play.

Our day... passes so quickly,
with tearful goodbyes said;
We all look ever onward,
to the unknown year ahead.

All packed up and heading home,
echoes heard in the setting sun;
"Goodbye, we'll see ya next year,
at the Family Reunion."

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Written By 2000 to 2005
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