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Forever Heroes

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Jacqueline’s Junque


We call them men in uniform,
Who know how to fight a good fight;
Preserving America's freedom,
With much more than physcial might.
Commited to serving their country,
Our flag is the banner they wave;
Sometimes scorned and hated,
Yet always courageous and brave.

When sent upon a mission,
They go without hesitation;
Never questioning their leadership,
Ever serving this great nation.
And as we enjoy the comforts,
Of peace and security;
They're out there on the frontlines
Being all that they can be.

Making major sacrifices,
Giving all they have to give;
To protect and serve the people,
And the way of life we live.
Let us honor and respect them,
Every woman, child and man;
Never once forgetting
The forever heroes of our land.

I am a soldier. My blood permeates the soil
of many countries.

I have gasped my last breath on many a desolate
stretch of beach. For you...all of you,
the children who play in the parks,
the mothers who watch over them,
the fathers who struggle to sustain them.

There are those here who have belittled
and reviled me, who have made a mockery
of me and what I stand for. You, also,
have I suffered and died for.
I withstood heat, insects and disease
so the right to dissent would be yours.

I endured the pain and terror of battle
and the maiming of my body to ensure
that you might worship as you please.
I died in agony in order that you,
no matter who or what you are,
have the freedom to choose
your own destinies.

AND I WOULD DO IT AGAIN because I believe
in the ideals that made this country
what it is today... FREE.
I love her with a deep and abiding love
that transcends mere physical pain.

Pray that I will always be there,
for if I disappear from this country,
so will you.


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Written By 2000 to 2005
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<BGSOUND SRC="image/foreverheroes.wav" LOOP=INFINITE>

Song heard is "Fallen Heroes"
by Steven Vaus

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