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Forever Valentine

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Jacqueline’s Junque


These sentimental moments,
my thoughts drift back to you;
Cherishing with tenderness,
how once our love was true.

Now all thats left are memories,
kept secret in my heart;
A few mementoes still remain,
even though we are apart.

Tattered, faded letters,
are safely tucked away;
And there... one very special card,
sent on Valentine's day.

There's music that we listened to,
as we held each other tight;
For no longer were we alone,
to face another night.

Romantic lines of poetry,
written with such tender care;
Now just words on paper,
yet... the meaning is still there.

We promised once, forever,
and though you never know;
When I need warmth and comfort,
your memory is where I go.

And each year on this special day,
I allow myself the luxury;
Of remembering you, my special one
and what you meant to me.

I let the tears fall silently,
tomorrow I'll be fine;
I just had to find you once again...
My forever Valentine.

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<BGSOUND SRC="image/firsttime.wav" LOOP=INFINITE>
Song heard is "The First Time I Saw Forever"
performed by Lisa Angelle

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