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Have You Forgotten?

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Jacqueline’s Junque

"It's hard remember a dream...
and even harder to forget a nightmare."


Shaking off the nightmare,
And the scenes still in my head,
The smoke, the flames, the screams of terror,
The wounded and the dead.
That day of mass destruction,
Unlike none we'd ever known;
Not on any foreign soil,
But here... where we call home.

As the sweet, new light of morning,
Came streaming in my room,
I hung my head and wept again,
Recalling that day of doom.
And though it's said, time heals all hurts,
Still there is left a scar;
A reminder of the hate once felt,
Inflicted from afar.

For life as we had known it,
Shall never be the same,
And though our wounds have faded,
We can't forget the pain!
With dignity and honor,
We must now take a stand;
To protect the precious freedoms,
We enjoy in our great land.

Remembering that fateful day,
Our hopes and dreams were shaken;
So much more than lives were lost,
Our innocence was taken.
For crimes that go unpunished,
Will be commited once again;
Are you willing to take the chance?
Next may be you... my friend.

We must not become a nation,
Bound in terror and in fear;
Nor pass such a destructive legacy,
On to those that we hold dear.
Doing what we must to rid
This world of a hate thats rotten;
Standing strong in the face of evil,
Or.... have you forgotten?

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Written By 2001 to 2005
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<BGSOUND SRC="images/haveyouforgotten.wav" LOOP=INFINITE>

Song heard is "Have You Forgotten?"
by Darryl Worley

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