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I Choose

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Jacqueline’s Junque


I choose....
to live my life by choice,
not by chance,
for it is far too valuable
to risk any of it
to the unknown.

I choose...
to make changes
not excuses,
using the mistakes I make
to learn from
rather than run from.

I choose...
to be motivated
not manipulated,
giving no one the ability
to control
the decisons I make.

I choose...
to be useful
not used,
so that my days may count
as time well spent
not simply over.

I choose...
to excel
not compete,
for my greatest challenge
shall be myself
and my expectations.

I choose...
self esteem
not self pity,
knowing however I see myself
will be a reflection
of what others see.

I choose...
to listen to my inner voice
not the random opinion of others,
for I cannot please anyone
until I have first
pleased me.

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is prohibited by federal law.
Written By 2001 to 2005
All Rights Reserved

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<BGSOUND SRC="images/secret.wav" LOOP=INFINITE>

Song heard is "Secret Love"
by Jim Brickman

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