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Measure Of A Man

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Jacqueline’s Junque


"The true measure of a man
is how high he bounces after he hits the bottom."
~General Patton~

Is the measure of a man determined
simply by his show of strength?
The volume of his voice?
His size, his girth, his length?
Is his measure in the clothes he wears
or the roughness of his hands?
Is it his worldly knowledge,
well traveled to distant lands?
Is he known for just his riches?
with his pockets full of gold;
While he grasps with empty hands
A truth he's never told?

It's the depth of his commitments
and his genuine concern;
The sincerity of his purpose,
in the lessons that he learns.
The quiet courage of his convictions,
and his capacity to share.
To give all that is inside him,
even when no one is there.
To commend him for his effort
while alone he still will stand,
For all his heart believes in...
that's how you measure a man.

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Written By 2000 to 2005
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<BGSOUND SRC="image/measure.wav" LOOP=INFINITE>

Song heard is "Measure Of A Man"
by Clay Aiken

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