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No One Knows

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Jacqueline’s Junque


I have known many joys in this life.
because of who you are.
You possess a special kind of spirit...
one that truly touches my heart.
You have greatly enhanced my life
and helped me to believe
I can make my dreams come true.
Just saying thank-you
never seems to be enough.

I know at times you become weary,
and yet you go the extra mile
to help those around you,
often putting yourself
and your needs aside.
You know that you are here
to make a difference,
and have helped me to understand
that I have a similar purpose.

The things we have shared,
live deep within me,
and are there forever.
It is with loving tenderness,
I hold fast to our memories.
No matter how much time passes,
or how far apart we are.
I know you are urging me on,
and I often cling to that knowledge.

The doors you have opened for me,
the friendship you have shown,
your care and understanding,
have changed my life forever,
making me an even better person
than I was before I met you.
And there is no one,
who has ever known me,
or ever will.... like you.

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Written By 2001 to 2005
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<BGSOUND SRC="images/nooneknows.wav" LOOP=INFINITE>

Song heard is "No One Knows But You"
by Beth Neilsen Chapman

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