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Worth Fighting For

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Jacqueline’s Junque


I watch the news here on TV,
With your pictures late at night;
The images stay in my mind,
As I contemplate your plight.
The causes you're representing,
Are ones my heart holds dear;
A world that can be full of peace,
Not terroristic fear.

The chances that you're taking,
The price that you might pay;
Could send you home a hero,
Or to an empty grave.
You've left behind your family,
The land that you call home;
And there must be many hours,
You often feel alone.

But standing right behind you,
With our faith, our hope, our prayers
You'll find your fellow countrymen
United in your care.
Though not always in agreement,
Over how the job be done;
You are the glue that binds us,
For you are this nation's sons.

Your heart, it beats with freedom,
Sheer courage floods your veins;
When they spill the blood of heroes,
Only honor leaves its stain.
Hold fast to what you believe in,
And when you can't take anymore
Reach deep inside and whisper....
"Yes... it is worth fighting for!"

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Written By 2001 to 2005
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<BGSOUND SRC="images/ifidiebeforeyouwake.wav" LOOP=INFINITE>

Song heard is "If I Die Before You Wake"

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