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Member Registration

We are happy that you wish to have your own personalized HomePage, Only on JumpTek 2nd Edition.

Please enter the following information>> 

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When your account will be ready we will notify you by sending you an e-mail.  To create an account, it  may take up to 48 hours ( 2days).  We are sorry it takes that long!!!   Thank You!!!

To read the user agreements click HERE

[FrontPage Save Results Component]

Fiil in:

*What language do you want your homepage to be:

Francais >>>>>>>> English

**The style of your home page:

techno  soccer cars other >>>

**Where do you live?


*Birth date:


*Information about you:

*Last Name
Middle Name
Name Initials:
**If you do not give your valid e-mail, your account will not be created!!!!!!!!!!

*Account Info:

*User Name (5-15 letters or numbers):

*Retype User Name:

*Password (6-18):

*Retype Password:

*Secret Question: *Answer:

?????????Info about secret Question????????

I accept the user agreements.

JumpTek 2nd edition.
 All rights reserved.
Revised: October 22, 2003 .