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Available Critters

Little Critters is not a breeding facility, but we do occasionally have babies for sale. All our babies are guaranteed, and of the highest quality. We also operate an exotics rescue and do occasionally have other animals available for adoption. These animals are rehabilitated and brought back to their optimal health. Those who cannot be rehabilitated stay with us forever. All potential Little Critters parents go through a rigorous screening process, and must be able to provide documentation that the animal is legal to own in the state you're in. All potential Little Critters parents must be prepared to sign documentation agreeing that, in the even that you can no longer care for and keep these animals, they will be returned to the custody of Little Critters. If you have questions about our animals or their availability, please feel free to send an E-mail with "Babies" in the subject line. If you want more information on rescues, or are looking to place an animal in a new home you can contact us with "Rescue" in the subject line.

The first little one available for adoption is a male Green Iguana. He was found loose in the park where the NE Wildlife Center is located. He had skin damage and was severely starved. You could literally see his vertebra along his back and tail. When he tried to walk he would wobble and fall. As you can see he has made a great recovery, and is getting fatter by the day. He will be neutered soon, and is available for adoption to the right home.

Male Iguana

This is a female Green Iguana that just arrived a few days ago. She is a little on the thin side, and I've been adding calcium to her diet as I have an idea that her previous owner did not. She is a true doll though. I mean sweet to the core. No problems being picked up, and touched. Good eater, and available for adoption to the right home.

Female Iguana

Sorry just had to throw in a couple of pics of these two together. They are quite fond of each other. Little do they know that he's going to be neutered soon. LOL

Male and Female together

This little one is also a male Green Iguana. He was dumped on the front door step of the NE Wildlife Center. He's pretty healthy with the exception that he's missing half of his tail. At first glance this may seem like a bad thing, but at least if he wants to tail whip you it's only a thump now. LOL He has quite the personality. He will also be neutered soon, and is also available for adoption to the right home.

Male Iguana

These beauties are Collared Doves. The Tans with the black collars are the males, and the whites are female. They are in good health, just separated because they became a little too friendly with each other. LOL They are quite sweet and available for adoption to the right home.

Collared Doves


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