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Jimmy Pics <> Cathy Pics <> Lori Pics <> Dicky Pics <> Patrick Pics <> Family Pets <> Family Memorials

My wedding morning, at home in front of the fireplace

My wedding morning in front of the fireplace, with the attendants flowers on my train.

Here I am with my attendants. Gail, Lisa, Rita, Debby, Missy and me.

Here we are inside the limo, heading to the church. Missy, Gail and myself.

Here is Paul... does he look nervous?

This is Paul and Russ, getting ready to go to the church.

Here I am at the back of the church, wondering if this is the right thing to do...

Here Russ has to hold Paul back from escaping from the dreaded day...

Here Mom and Bob both walk me down, while I'm still looking for the door.

April 20th, 1985... On this day, I married my best friend... some say love is blind... well, just open your eyes...

Here is Bobby, our oldest, he's 6 weeks old here.

Here is Amanda, she's our youngest... she's 15 months here.

Here is Bobby at 3 months old. In one of my favorite outfits.

Amanda at 18 months old...too bad they grow up so fast...

Bobby at age 1...also his Christmas picture.

Here is a picture of Bobby. One of the few times we could get him to sit still for.

Here is Bobby age 4, this is a picture when he was in pre school.

Here is Bobby in Kindergarten, he's age 5

Here is Amanda in Kindergarten, she's age 5

Here is Bobby, he's age 6

Here is Amanda, she's 1st grade, age 6

Here is Bobby, 2nd grade, 1994

Amanda's first communion. She looks like an angel...where's the wings????

Here's a first and last... this was taken for father's day, 1994...

Here is Bobby, he's 9 years old

Here is Jimmy, Cathy and myself... Jimmy is 6, Cathy is 4 and I am 2... Dicky and Patrick were still waiting to come

Just a note to say thanks for coming to my site, please come back often as I plan to add more as I go along... thanks and have a great day!