**TI86** Group file received by TiLP ø RPGø ö àAoìoé-Obtain a golden item/-to win the game.oLD1/-Start/3J/D5/-Quit/3QoàJoìoé-At the junction/-Which way do you gooLD1/-North/3N/D2/-South/3S/D3/-East/3E/D4/-West/3W/D5/-Warp/4WAoàNoìoé-You see a mountain/-and a cafe. Where do/-you gooLD1/-Mount./3M/D2/-Cafe/3C/D3/-Back/3JoàMoìoé-You see a cave./-Go to the summit or/-the caveoLD1/-Summit/4MA/D2/-Cave/4CA/D3/-Back/3NoàMAoìoé-As you walk, the/-ground shakes under/-you. You fall off a/-cliff.oâoáÎNoàCAoìoé-Inside the cave there/-is nothing.../-You are feeling/-faint.oLD1/-Stay/4CB/D2/-Leave/4CCoàCBoìoé-The next thing you/-know, you wake up at/-the cafeoâoá CoàCCoìoé-As you leave, a wall/-in the cave crumbles/-away.oLD1/-Enter/3J/D2/-Leave/3MoàToìoé-You see three chests/-Which one do you/-openoLD1/-1/4CD/D2/-2/4CE/D3/-3/4CFoàCDoìoé-It holds chocolate/-covered popcorn!/-It looks yummy!/-Do you eat itoLD1/-Yes/4YU/D2/-No/4NAoàNAoìoé-But it is so tasty!oâoáoCDoàYUoìoé-It is yummy!oâoáToàCEoìoé-It contains the.../-golden Mastercard!oâoìoé-WIN WIN WIN WIN WIN/-WIN WIN WIN WIN WIN/-WIN WIN WIN WIN WIN/-WIN WIN WIN WIN WINoLD1/-Play/3A/D5/-Quit/3QoàCFoìoé-It contains a pizza!/-It is delicious!oâoáToàCoìoé-What do you dooLD1/-Drink/4CQ/D2/-Snack/4SN/D3/-Coffe/4CO/D4/-Leave/3NoàSNoìoé-You have some soda/-so you get some pop/-rocks. Your stomach/-explodes when you/-eat them both.oâoá£DoàCOoìoé-Which kindoLD1/-Decaf/4CP/D2/-Cappucino/4CQ/D3/-!!!/4CRoàCPoìoé-This tastes awful!oâoá CoàCQoìoé-This tastes great!oâoá CoàCRoìoé-You find a key in/-your coffee!oâoáJoàDoìoé-YOU ARE DEAD/-YOU ARE DEAD/-YOU ARE DEAD/-YOU ARE DEAD/-YOU ARE DEADoLD1/-Start/3A/D5/-Quit/3QoàWoìoé-Your path splits./-Which way do you gooLD1/-Left/3L/D2/-Right/3R/D3/-Front/4FRoàRoìoé-You see an ugly/-monster. What do you/-dooLD1/-Fight/4FI/D2/-Flee/4FLoàFIoìoé-Are you kidding!/-You are a weakling!/-The monster kills/-you!oâoá£DoàFLoìoé-You get away before/-he even sees you./-You are a wimp!oâoáWoàLoìoé-You see a big fairy/-She gives you a/-magic spell that can/-turn people into/-toads.oâoìoé-She brings you back/-to the junction.oâoáSJoàFRoìoé-You find a pit. Jump/-inoLD1/-Yes/3C/D2/-No/3WoàSoìoé-You see a pit./-What do you dooLD1/-Jump/4PI/D2/-Around/4SM/D3/-Leave/3JoàPIoìoé-You jump in and land/-with a big bruise./-You see 5 doors./-Which one do you go/-inoLD1/-1/4PJ/D2/-2/4PM/D3/-3/4PK/D4/-4/4PM/D5/-5/4PLoàPJoìoé-You fall into a/-pit and spring up.oâoá ¡PIoàPKoìoé-You feel a tingling.oâoáSJoàPLoìoé-You find a key!!!oâoáSJoàPMoìoé-You see a pit./-1. Jump in/-2. Throw your sister/-in to see if it is/-safeoLD1/-1/4PW/D2/-2/4PV/D3/-Leave/4PIoàPWoìoé-You fall in.oâoáDoàPVoìoé-She falls to her/-doom. You leave.oâoá ¡PIoàSMoìoé-You trip and fall/-on your face. Ha! Ha!oâoá ESoàEoìoé-You see a river. How/-do you cross itoLD1/-Swim/4EC/D2/-Jump/4EA/D3/-Around/4EB/D4/-Fly/5FLY/D5/-Leave/3JoàEAoìoé-You fall in and/-drown.oâoá£DoàECoìoé-You can not swim.oâoá ÚEoàEBoìoé-You can't go around/-rivers! You see a/-billboard. Read itoLD1/-Read/4RE/D2/-Leave/3EoàREoìoé-CAFE WE ARE SERVING/-FRESH COFFEE!!!oâoáEoàFLYoìoé-You flap your arms/-and fly over.oâoé-You find a key on/-the other side.oâoáSJoàWAoìoé-You need 3 keys./-Do you have themoLD1/-Yes/3T/D2/-No/3JoàQoìl}