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Hello, my name is Maureen and this is my poetry page.
Romance is a part of our everyday lives. We live each
day to be loved by someone. Sometimes our lives are
blessed with the perfect relationship that will last an
eternity. Some only dream of what could be and others
feel the pain of what once was and can never again be.
I hope that you will find something I've written
here that will touch upon a special memory or two.
Just click on the little fairy and she will take you off to...
"My Poetry"

mybella3 gif

Bobbie Mikie and me at Rainbow Bridge

Here you will find links to
some friends sites featuring
poetry, music and romance!

Phenomenal Women Of The Web - Against Domesti...

enter "9-11-2001"

**12/14/2012the sadness leaves me speechless**

I would love to hear from you. Please let me know
what you think about this site and if you have a similar site
and would like to share links that would be great to hear!.

Don't forget to visit my other site for more poetry, romance stories,
backgrounds, globes and great recipes for your sweetheart!

The tiles used to make this background came from Marie's Graphics.