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Welcome to my new poetry page! If you are searching for
your new love of the Millennium or just remembering
the precious moments of a past love,hopefully you
will find something here that will touch your heart.

As always, just click on the little
fairy and she will take you to...
My Poetry "2"


Bobbie Mikie and me at Rainbow Bridge

Below is a link to some bordered and
background sets I have created.


Looking for some globes? The
link below will take you there.

fglbtn gif

I now have a new section
of animations for you.

Follow the link below to be taken to a
section featuring stories of romance!


Looking for some recipes to
sweeten-up your loved one?


tearbird gif
Enter "9-11-2001"

**12/14/2012the sadness leaves me speechless**

To Return to Main Page
"A Little Bit Of Love"