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I sit and stare out
here into the sea.
As the waves wash
away the hurt and pain.
The tide, ebbs ever so
closer now up to me.
Wondering, if you'll
notice when I am gone.

Free here, here, no
feelings of dissapointment.
Life soars high and free,
like the birds up over
the sea. Wondering now,
will you miss me when I
am gone. The tide, it
cleanses my soul with
grains of sand beneath me.

Here by the sea,I am
reminded of you and
how it used to be.
The water, all around,
floating me away from
what we became. Wondering,
if you'll remember me when
I am gone. Peaceful and
serene now, vanished is
the heartache and the pain.

Here I stand now, remembering,
overlooking this angry sea.
You never really knew me,
you surely never cared.
Was I, who invited you
into my life, not welcome
anymore. The sea, now
reflects how it used to be
and now, I am free.

©"mcrep" 1998

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The picture used on this
page was created by:
Bruce Remer

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