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What a sight
my eyes behold.
Just who might
this guy be?
All alone just
walking the beach.
With no-one in sight
for miles but me!

Should have checked
my horoscope.
This is definately
my lucky day!
Got to find a way
to meet him.
But, whatever
will I say?

"Hello, nice horse,
can I have a ride?"
No, no, that will
not sound right.
"Hi, hey nice body,
you work out?"
Oh gosh no, that
would be impolite.

Oh my, he's coming
over my way!
"Hi, I'm..."
Passing me right
by, he says..
"Hello, have a
nice day" ???

Well, how conceited
can he be?
And whats that
stupid song I hear?
Poetry in motion?
Yeah right, stop
playing that!
I hope he trips and
falls in the ocean.

© "mcrep" 1999

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