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The Wedding

Time passes by so quickly. Even
with all the sadness in my life, I
had given birth to my beautiful
daughter, Alysen who is 10
months old now. We share
each day trying to find all the
happiness we can. Even after
all this time, Jeff has still
never been returned back
home to me. My only connection
with my love is through our
daughter and I thank the
heavens above for having this
rememberance of our love.
Drew also has been a true friend,
being there for us all the time.
I know that he too feels and
shares the same pain as I.

One day in the park he surprised
me. "Sue, I know that you will
never love anyone as you had
Jeff but I just want you to know
that I too care deeply for you and
Alysen. I well.. I want you to know
that I will always be here for the
both of you and I would really
like to marry you and take care
of both of you." I looked at him
with such shock. This was
something I just was not
expecting. "Sue please, don't
give me an answer just yet.
Think about it. I will be here for
you no matter what your
decision, ok?" I didn't know what
to say except "Drew, you have meant
more to me than I can ever tell you.
I really don't know what I would
have done without you by my
side through everything." He
smiled and said "Good." and
kissed me on the cheek. "Know
that you're special to me and
give this alot of thought."
With that, he was gone.

For days my mind went wild with
thoughts of what Drew had said.
Could I marry him? Jeff's best
friend? Who else could I spend
the rest of my life with that
would understand how I feel?
Alysen just loves him. Gee to her,
he is her father. She knows no
other. Drew never pressured me
for any answers, which was good
since I just didn't know what I
wanted or needed. Well, of course
I knew what I wanted and needed
and that was Jeff. Impossible.
I just had to make myself
understand that he was gone.
No matter how much I wish, prayed
and wanted, the fact was I would
never again see my love.

I decided that I needed to get out
of this house. I bundled up Alysen
and we were off to the park.
Some place that we could both
share some time alone. A place
that Drew and I shared many
wonderful times. Watching her
eyes sparkle and smile( Jeff's smile)
when she got to feed the ducks
was a wonderful moment. It was a
place that made me feel closer to
Jeff. As we left, the phone was
ringing. I turned to answer it
and thought no, its probably
Drew and I need this time with
my daughter. I did not answer it
but picked her up and left.

The day was perfect and Alysen was
having the time of her life. I felt so
at peace and for some strange reason
was happier than usual. I guess it
was this place. Somewhere that
always made me feel closer to Jeff.
Smiling...gosh I was smiling when
all of a sudden a hand touched my
shoulder. When I turned the smile
fell from my face. What? Who?
"Sue, oh Sue darling I am here."
It was Jeff, he put his arms around
me and held me so close. "Jeff,
oh my, I can't believe your here."
"Darling I will explain everything
to you later. I tried to call but
there was no answer. I just came
here hoping to find you. This
litle girl.....she is mine?" He
started to cry and so did I and
poor Alysen scrunched up her
face and cried also. There was
so much to say to each other but..
we have the rest of our lives now.
This moment is a memory I will
cherish till the end of time.

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