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What Do The Various Prophecies Mean?

Throughout the series, GRRM has intigrated several prophecies into the plot. Most come through the characters’ dreams, but some come from some other source, such as the House of the Undying. In this section, the known prophecies will be examined. This will not look at subtle foreshadowing, but merely at direct foretellings.


1) Bran’s Dreams

From pages 162-163:

He saw his mother sitting alone in a cabin, looking at a bloodstained knife on a table in front of her, as rowers pulled at their oars and Ser Rodrik leaned on a rail, shaking and heaving. A storm was gathering ahead of them, a vast dark roaring lashed by lightning, but somehow they did not see it.

This seems to be Catelyn and Rodrik traveling on the Storm Dancer to King’s Landing. Rodrik is seasick, which is why Bran sees him shaking. The storm is most likely symbolic of the coming war, which will claim both character’s lives.

He saw his father pleading with the king, his face etched with grief. He saw Sansa crying herself to sleep at night, and he saw Arya watching in silence and holding her secrets hard in her heart. There were shadows all around them. One shadow was as dark as ash, with the terrible face of a hound. Another was armored like the sun, golden and beautiful. Over them both loomed a giant in armor made of stone, but when he opened his visor, there was nothing inside but darkness and thick black blood.

Here, Bran is seeing Eddard plead for Lady’s life. The shadows are interesting. The first and second are obviously Sandor and Jaime, respectively. Sandor has played a major role in both girls’ lives, and Jaime also played a role in the fact that Catelyn sent him away in exchange for Sansa and Arya. The third shadow merits a bit of discussion. One theory is that this represents Gregor Clegane, because he is taller than the others. His nickname, the Mountain, is why his armor is made of stone. And the black blood inside his armor may foreshadow the poison that Oberyn uses on him in SoS.

However, Gregor has not played a major role in Sansa’s life, as of yet, and it may not be him after all. Others have suggested that the third shadow is bigger because it will play a bigger role in the girls’ lives. Suggestions have included Tywin and Robert, but neither seem to fit. For now, Gregor seems like the best bet.

North and north and north he looked, to the curtain of light at the end of the world, and then beyond that curtain. He looked deep intot he heart of winter, and then he cried out, afraid, and the heat of the tears burned on his cheeks.

Now you know, the crow whispered as it sat on his shoulder. Now you know why you must live.

“Why?” said Bran, not understanding, falling, falling.

Because winter is coming.

This seems to suggest that Bran’s fate is in the north beyond the Wall, and he will play a large role in the battle to come. Another interesting dream of Bran’s is described on page 730.

“I dreamed about the crow last night. The one with three eyes. He flew into my bedchamber and told me to come with him, so I did. We went down to the crypts. Father was there, and we talked. He was sad.”

“And why was that?” Luwin peered through his tube.

“It was something to do about Jon, I think.” The dream had been deeply disturbing, more so that any of the other crow dreams.

It seems that some secret about Jon lies underneath Winterfell’s crypts. For a discussion on what this could mean, see the discussion “Who Are Jon Snow’s Parents?”

2) Jon’s Dream

“I’m walking down this long empty hall...opening doors, shouting names...the castle is always empty...the stables are full of bones. That always scares me. I start to run, then, throwing open doors, climbing the tower three steps at a time, screaming for someone, for anyone. And then I find myself in front of the door to the crypts. It’s black inside, and I can see the steps spiraling down. Somehow I know I have to go down there, but I don’t want to. I’m afraid of what might be waiting for me...I scream that I’m not a Stark, that this isn’t my place, but it’s no good, I have to go down anyway, so I start down, feeling the walls as I descend, with no torch to light the way. It gets darker and darker, until I want to scream...that’s when I always wake.”
--GoT, pg. 266

This dream is one of the few prophetic ones that Jon seems to have, but he tells Sam that it is recurring, so it must mean something. Again, like Bran’s dream, this seems to strongly imply that a secret about Jon is lying in Winterfell’s crypts. Perhaps his parentage? This could mean that Jon is the son of Lyanna Stark. See the discussion “Who Are Jon Snow’s Parents?” for an analysis.

3) Arya’s Dream

Like Jon, Arya has shown no sign of having a lot of prophetic dreams, but an interesting one is described on page 341:

When they had first come to King’s Landing, she used to have bad dreams about getting lost in the castle. Father said the Red Keep was smaller than Winterfell, but in her dreams it had been immense, an endless stone maze with walls that seemed to shift and change behind her. She would find herself wandering down gloomy halls, past faded tapestries, descending endless circular stairs, darting through courtyards or over bridges, her shouts echoing unanswered. In some of the rooms the red stone walls would seem to drip blood, and nowhere could she find a window. Sometimes she would hear her father’s voice, but it was always from a long way off, and no matter how hard she ran after it, it would grow fainter and fainter until it faded to nothing and Arya was alone in the dark.

What does this mean, if anything? It probably symbolizes the fact that Arya is going to be isolated and very alone in the world, and the blood on the walls may mean that she will grow more violent and darker as the series progresses. Eddard’s fading voice clearly means that he will be seperated from Arya through his death.

4) Dany’s Dreams

Like Bran, Dany has a series of dreams in this book that could be interpreted as being prophetic. From page 100:

Viserys was hitting her, hurting her. She was naked, clumsy with fear. She ran from him, but her body seemed thick and ungainly. He struck her again. She stumbled and fell. “You woke the dragon,” he screamed as he kicked her. “You woke the dragon, you woke the dragon.” Her thighs were slick with blood. She closed her eyes and whimpered. And if in answer there was a great hideous ripping sound and the crackling of some great fire. When she looked again, Viserys was gone, great columns of flame rose all around, and in the midst of them was the dragon. It turned its great head slowly. When its molten eyes found her, she woke...

The fact that she is clumsy and awkward point towards her pregnancy, while her bloody thighs and the ripping sound foreshadow her stillbirth. The woken dragon, of course, is obvious.

When she slept that night, she dreamt the dragon dream again. Viserys was not in it this time. It was only her and the dragon. It’s scales were black and night, wet and slick with blood. Her blood, Dany sensed. Its eyes were pools of molten magma, and when it opened its mouth, flame came out in a hot jet. She opened her arms to the fire, embraced it, let it swallow her whole, let it cleanse her and temper her and scour her clean. She could feel her flesh sear and blacken and slough away, could feel her blood boil and turn to steam, yet there was no pain. She felt strong and new and fierce.
--GoT, pg. 228

The black dragon with red blood probably symbolizes the birth of Drogon, who is black and red. The cleansing fire is interesting. On one level, it shows how Dany is learning to cope with her new life with the Dothraki. On another, it symbolizes her walk through the fire at the end of the book. On a third level, it points to her ‘rebirth’ in fire, which may suggest she is Azor Ahai reborn. (See ‘Who is Azor Ahai Reborn?’ for more details)

5) Mirri Maz Duur’s Prophecy

“When will he {Drogo} be as he was?” Dany demanded.

“When the sun rises in the west and sets in the east,” said Mirri Maz Duur. “When the seas go dry and mountains blow in the wind like leaves. When your womb quickens again, and you bear a living child. Then he will return, and not before.”
--GoT, pg. 759

Most people seem to believe that this is no true prophecy, merely a way of saying ‘it will never happen.’ If this is true, and Mirri Maz Duur is to be believed, then Dany can never have children. Of course, the maegi could be lying...

6) The Stallion Who Mounts the World

“As swift as the wind he rides, and behind him his khalasar covers the earth, men without number, with arakhs shining in their hands like blades of razor glass. Fierce as a storm this prince shall be. His enemies will tremble before him, and their wives will weep tears of blood and rend their flesh in grief. The bells in his hair will sing his coming, and the milk men in the stone tents will fear his name...the prince is riding, and he shall be the stallion who mounts the world.”
--GoT, pg. 491

This prophecy about Dany’s child is interesting in the fact that it shows that prophecies are not set in stone or infallible, and can fail when outside forces are at work. Surely any chances of this prophecy coming to fulfillment was squashed when Dany’s son Rhaego died. Or perhaps it was no true prophecy at all, merely the ramblings of a delirious woman.


1) Patchface’s Song

Both in A Clash of Kings and A Storm of Swords, Patchface, the fool of Dragonstone, shows an eerie way of predicting events in his nonsensical songs. For example, from page 6:

He began to sing. “The shadows came to dance, my lord, dance my lord, dance my lord,” he sang, hopping from one foot to the other and back again. “The shadows came to stay, my lord, stay my lord, stay my lord.”He jerked his head with each word, the bells in his antlers ringing up a clangor.

This is interesting only when compared to Patchface’s garb. He is wearing a helmet with antlers...just like Renly’s battle armor. And it was a shadow that killed Renly. Also, Patchface is wearing bells in his antlers. Khal Drogo always wore bells in his hair, and his death came about from the dancing shadows that Mirri Maz Duur summoned in his tent.

2) Melisandre’s Prophecies

In the book, Melisandre provides some foretellings, both from Asshai’i lore and from what she sees in the flames.

“In the ancient books of Asshai it is written that there will come a day after a long summer when the stars bleed and the cold breath of darkness falls heavy on the world. In this dread hour, a warrior shall draw from the fire a burning sword. And that sword shall be Lightbringer, the Red Sword of Heroes, and he who clasps it shall be Azor Ahai come again, and the darkness will flee before him.”
--CoK, pg. 148

Most of this has come to pass. There has been a long summer, and the red comet in the sky is a ‘bleeding star.’ It has been suggested that Dany fulfilled this prophecy when she got her dragons out of the bonfire. More further discussion, see ‘Who is Azor Ahai Reborn?

“Ser Cortnay will be dead within a day. Melisandre has seen it in the flames of the future...Melisandre saw another day in her flames as well. A morrow when Renly rode out of the south in his green armor to smash my host beneath the walls of King’s Landing. Had I met my brother there, I would have died instead of him.”
--CoK, pg. 617

Cortnay’s death came to pass, just as Melisandre predicted. The next portion is interesting. Stannis assumed that it was an alternate future, one that did not come to pass. However, a figure in green armor did lead a host out of the south to smash Stannis’s army at King’s Landing. It was Garlan Tyrell dressed in Renly’s armor, not Renly himself, but it seems the vision did come to pass.

3) Jojen’s Green Dreams

Jojen is one of the few characters in the series who has prophetic visions on a regular basis, and we can glean quite a lot from them.

“I dreamed of a winged wolf bound to the earth in great stone chains,” he said. “...A crow was trying to peck at the chains, but the stone was too hard and his beak could only chip at them.”

“Did the crow have three eyes?”

Jojen nodded.
--CoK, pg. 437

The winged wolf is Bran, and the three-eyed crow is the one who constantly visits Bran’s dreams. The part about chains is a bit vague. It could represent Bran’s refusal to open himself up to his warging abilities, which he conquers later in the book. Or it could mean something else entirely, that Bran will discover beyond the Wall.

“Jojen dreamed of you and your fosterling brothers...You were sitting at a supper, but instead of a servant, Maester Luwin brought you your food. He served you the king’s cut off the roast, the meat rare and bloody, but with a savory smell that made everybody’s mouth water.The meat he served the Freys was old and grey and dead. Yet they liked their supper better than you liked yours.”
--CoK, pg. 442

The ‘meat’ is the news of the Battle of Oxcross, which Maester Luwin tells the children. Bran receives the news that Robb won, while the Freys hear that their brother Stevron died. Yet the Freys are happier about the news than Bran is.

“I dreamt the sea was lapping all around Winterfell. I saw black waves crashing against the gates and towers, and then the salt water came flowing over the walls and filled the castle. Dead men floated in the yard...That Alebelly is one...your septon’s another. Your smith as well.”
--CoK, pg. 522

The black water is Theon and the Greyjoy men, who will conquer Winterfell later in the book. Alebelly was killed in the attack; Mikken stabbed by Stygg shortly after. Septon Chayle was drowned by Theon as an offering to the Drowned God.

“I dreamed of the man who came today, the one they call Reek. You and your brother lay dead at his feet, and he was skinning off your faces with a blade.”
--CoK, pg. 527

4) The House of the Undying

In Dany’s trip to the House of the Undying, she hears and sees many things. Some are prophetic, some reflections of her past, some futures that will never be. Let’s take a look, from quotes on pages 700-707.

In one room, a beautiful woman sprawled naked on the floor while four little men crawled over her...One was pumping between her thighs. Another savaged her breasts, worrying at the nipples with his red wet mouth, tearing and chewing.

This is commonly believed to represent the beautiful continent of Westeros, being savaged and raped by the four remaining kings who are fighting over it. (Renly is dead at this time.)

Farther on she came upon a feast of corpses. Savagely slaughtered, the feasters lay strewn across overturned chairs and hacked trestle tables, asprawl in pools of congealing blood. Some had lost limbs, even heads. Savaged limbs clutched bloody cups, wooden spoons, roast fowl, heels of bread. On a throne above them sat a dead man with the head of a wolf. He wore an iron crown and held a leg of lamb in one hand as a king might hold a scepter, and his eyes followed Dany with mute appeal.

This pretty much describes the Red Wedding. The man with the wolf’s head and the iron crown is Robb, depicting how the Freys sewed Grey Wind’s head on his body.

I know this room, she thought. She remembered those great wooden beams and the carved animal faces that adorned them. And there outside the window, a lemon tree!

This is the house in Braavos that Dany and Viserys lived with Ser Willem Darry.

Beyond loomed a cavernous stone hall, the largest she had seen. The skulls of dead dragons looked down from its walls.Upon a towering barbed throne sat an old man in rich robes, an old man with dark eyes and long silver-gray hair. “Let him be king over charred bones and cooked meat,” he said to a man below him. “Let him be the king of ashes.”

This is Aerys, commanding Rossart to light King’s Landing with wildfire--the scene that Jaime describes to Brienne is SoS.

The man had her brother’s hair, but he was taller, and his eyes were a dark indigo rather than lilac. “Aegon,” he said to a woman nursing a newborn babe in a great wooden bed. “What better name for a king?”

“Will you make a song for him?” the woman asked.

“He has a song,” the man replied. “He is the prince that was promised, and his is the song of ice and fire.” He looked up when he said it and his eyes met Dany, and it seemed as if he saw her standing there beyond the door. “There must be one more,” he said, though whether he was speaking to her or the woman in bed she could not say. “The dragon has three heads.”

The man is Rhaegar, the woman Elia, the baby Aegon. This is an interesting scene, as it seems that Rhaegar knows some sort of prophecy about the prince that was promised and a dragon with three heads. Rhaegar seems to believe that two heads were his children Rhaenys and Aegon, but it seems that he was mistaken, as Rhaenys was certainly killed, and Aegon most likely was as well. The ‘song of ice and fire’ is equally mysterious, probably part of the prophecy that Rhaegar discovered.

That ‘the dragon has three heads’ is accepted to mean that Dany will have two others who will ride their dragons along side her. Some of the candidates that have been put forth include Tyrion, due to his love of dragons; Bran, due to his crippled ability; and Jon, due to the fact that he may very well be a Targaryen. (See “Who Are Jon Snow’s Parents?”)

...mother of dragons...child of three...three heads has the dragon...mother of dragons...child of storm...

‘Three heads has the dragon’ is the same thing that Rhaegar stated above. The ‘mother of dragons’ is obvious. ‘Child of storm’ refers to the storm in which Dany was born. The ‘child of three’ is a bit obtuse. It could refer to the fact that she was ‘reborn’ with her three dragons, or merely about the collection of trios that are listed below:

...three fires must you for life and one for death and one to love...

The first fire was obviously when Dany lit Drogo’s funeral pyre and gave life to her dragons. The fire for death could possibly refer to the fact that Drogon burned the Undying Ones and gave them death, but this is uncertain. It also could mean using dragonfire to bring death to the Others. The fire to love is even less certain. (Note that it is to love, not for love). Perhaps she will light a fire to kill her enemies, or the Others, and she will love it.

...three mounts must you to bed and one to dread and one to love...

The mount ridden to bed almost certainly refers to Drogo. The mount to dread could be a dragon, which her enemies will dread, or a person whom Dany will come to dread (perhaps Daario?). Quite a few readers think the mount ridden to love will be Dany falling in love with Jon, but this is no more than conjecture.

...three treasons will you know...once for blood and once for gold and once for love...

The treason for blood is most likely Mirri Maz Duur betraying Dany and killing her child. Some readers think Jorah’s betrayal of Dany could be the treason for gold or love. However, Jorah accepted no gold for his treason. He did betray her for love of his home, but this seems to be stretching it a bit much, and it goes out of order. Thus, Jorah is probably not one of the other two treasons, leaving the matter open for debate.

Viserys screamed as the molten gold ran down his cheeks and into his mouth. A tall lord with copper-gold skin and silvery hair stood beneath the banner of a fiery stallion, a burning city behind him. Rubies flew like drops of blood from the chest of a dying prince, and he sank to his knees in the water and with his last breath murmured a woman’s name...mother of dragons...daughter of death...

The ‘daughter of death’ suggests that these are three important deaths in Dany’s life. The first is Viserys dying; the second is her son Rhaego, and what would have happened if he lived. The third is Rhaegar, being killed by Robert at Ruby Ford.

Glowing like sunset, a red sword was raised in the hand of a blue-eyed king who cast no shadow. A cloth dragon swayed on poles amid a cheering crowd. From a stone tower, a great stone beast took wing, breathing shadow fire...mother of dragons...slayer of lies...

Again, ‘slayer of lies’ implies that these are three fallacies Dany will prove wrong. The first vision shows Stannis (the blue-eyed king with no shadow) holding Lightbringer. This seems to suggest that Dany will prove that Stannis is not Azor Ahai reborn. The second vision is a mummer’s dragon. Dany later tells Jorah that ‘mummer’s use them in follies, to give the hero something to fight.’ (CoK, pg 875) This could mean that a false enemy is being used to give armies something to fight, and Dany will prove this wrong. Perhaps this is the war that Littlefinger seems to be instigating, or one of Illyrio and Varys’s plots. (See “Who Are The Men Arya Saw Plotting Beneath the Red Keep?”). The stone dragon seems to be the dragon that Melisandre wants Stannis to raise; perhaps Dany will prove this a lie as well.

Her silver was trotting through the grass, to a darkling stream beneath a sea of stars. A corpse stood at the prow of a ship, eyes bright on his dead face, gray lips smiling sadly. A blue flower grew from a chink in a wall of ice, and filled the air with sweetness...mother of dragons...bride of death...

‘Bride of death.’...are these Dany’s three husbands? The first scene is Dany going to the river where she consummated her marriage with Drogo. The second scene is harder to figure out. It has been suggested that the smiling gray lips mean gray + joy, or Greyjoy. Perhaps Dany will start a romantic relationship with Theon or Euron. The third vision is a blue rose on the Wall. Since Lyanna’s favorite flowers were blue roses, this vision could point to Jon (See “Who Are Jon Snow’s Parents?”), adding to the theory that Dany will fall in love with Jon.

Shadows whirled and danced inside a tent, boneless and terrible.

Mirri Maz Duur calling the shadows to try and revive Drogo.

A little girl ran barefoot toward a big house with a red door.

Dany and her house at Braavos with Willem Darry.

Mirri Maz Duur shrieked in the flames, a dragon bursting from her brow.

Dany burning Mirri Maz Duur alive.

Behind a silver horse the bloody corpse of a man bounced and dragged.

This is what happened to the wineseller who tried to poison Dany.

A white lion ran through grass taller than a man.

It has been suggested that the lion represents Jaime or Tyrion--Jaime, because the lion is white, or Tyrion, because the lion seems so small. However, since all the other scenes in this paragraph come from Dany’s life, it seems likely that this lion is the hrakker that Drogo killed and made a coat for Dany out of.

Beneath the Mother of Mountains, a line of naked crones crept from a great lake and knelt shivering before her, gray heads bowed.

This is when the dosh khaleen proclaimed that Dany was carrying the stallion who mounts the world.

Ten thousand slaves lifted bloodstained hands as she raced by on her silver, riding like the wind. “Mother!” they cried. “Mother, Mother!”

This is Dany’s liberation of the slaves in Yunkai in A Storm of Swords.

5) Quaithe’s Prophecy

Quaithe, the enigmatic woman in the red lacquer mask, delivers Dany a strange prophecy on page 583:

“To go north, you must journey south. To reach the west, you must go east. To go forward you must go back, and to touch the light you must pass beneath the shadow.”

Asshai, Dany thought, she would have me go to Asshai. “Will the Asshai’i give me an army?” she demanded. “Will there be gold for me in Asshai? Will there be ships? What is there in Asshai I will not find in Qarth?”

“Truth,” said the woman in the mask.

This is a strange quote. Some readers think that Dany will journey to Asshai for some purpose before invading Westeros. Others have interpreted the line to mean that Dany will sail around the world via the Sunset Sea, a feat never before accomplished, and attack Westeros from the west.


1) The Ghost of High Heart’s Dreams

An old crone who lives on the hill of High Heart, this ‘ghost’ seems to have quite a few prophetic dreams.

From page 249:

“I dreamt I saw a shadow with a burning heart butchering a golden stag, aye.”

This is Stannis’s shadow come to kill Renly. The stag is Renly’s sigil; the heart is Stannis’s.

“I dreamt of a man without a face, waiting on a bridge that swayed and swung. On his shoulder perched a drowned crow with seaweed hanging from his wings.”

It has been suggested that this means that a Faceless Man murdered Balon Greyjoy, hired by Euron. For more on this, see the “How Did Balon Greyjoy Die?” discussion.

“I dreamt of a roaring river, and a woman who was a fish. Dead she drifted, with red tears on her cheeks, but when her eyes did open, oh, I woke from terror.”

This is Catelyn being tossed into the river after her death, only be to resurrected.

From page 491:

“I dreamt him {Balon} dead and he died, and the iron squids now turn on one another.”

This dreams seems to hint that there was be some power struggle within the Grejoy family. Perhaps one of them will oppose Euron’s claim to the Seastone Chair?

“In the hall of kings, the goat sits alone and fevered as the great dog descends on him.”

The ‘hall of kings’ is Harrenhal, and the goat is Vargo Hoat, who has a black goat for a sigil. He is fevered because Brienne bit his ear off. The great dog is Gregor, the sigil of House Clegane, who will retake Harrenhal and torture Vargo to death.

“I dreamt a wolf howling in the rain, but no one heard his grief...I dreamt such a clangor I thought my head would burst, drums and horns and pipes and screams, but the saddest sound was the little bells.”

This describes the Red Wedding. The wolf howling in the rain is Grey Wind, left outside. The sound of bells are the bells in Jinglebell’s hair; the halfwit that Catelyn will kill.

“I dreamt of a maid at a feast with purple serpents in her hair, venom dripping from their fangs.”

This is Sansa wearing her purple hairnet to Joffrey’s wedding, where one of those stones will be used to poison Joffrey. (See “Who Killed Joffrey Baratheon?” for details)

“And later I dreamt that maid again, slaying a savage giant in a castle built of snow.”

It seems likely that this merely represents Sansa killing Robert Arryn’s doll in her snowcastle at the Eyrie. Some others have theorized that the dream actually could mean something else--perhaps Sansa killing Gregor at Winterfell--but it seems likely that the first interpretation is correct.

2) Thoros’s Flame Visions

On page 497, Thoros gets a view of Riverrun in the flames.

“The Lord granted me a view of Riverrun. An island in a sea of fire, it seemed. The flames were leaping lions with long crimson claws. And how they roared! Riverrun will soon come under attack.”

This merely foretells that the Lannisters will besiege and attack Riverrun. We know that Daven Lannister, Forley Prester and Ryman Frey are all marching toward Riverrun at the end of the book, and only the Blackfish remains in Riverrun with a token garrison.

3) Melisandre’s Prophecies

“It is written in prophecy as well. When the red star bleeds and the darkness gathers, Azor Ahai shall be born again amidst smoke and salt to wake dragons out of stone.”
--Page 289

Well, Dany woke dragons from stone eggs amid smoke from the fire and salt of her tears, so she seems a likely candidate. For a more in-depth discussion, see “Who Is Azor Ahai Reborn?”.

“Lady Melisandre bid me gaze into the heartifre...the sparks in the air seemed to circle, to become a ring of torches, and I was looking through the fire down on some high hill in a forest. The cinders had become men in black behind the torches, and there were shapes moving through the snow.”
--Page 414

This is the men of Night’s Watch being attacked by wights on the Fist of First Men.

“More false kings will soon rise to take of the crowns of those who died.”

This has already come true; Euron and Tommen have taken the thrones of Balon and Joffrey.

4) Dany’s Dream

“That night she dreamt that she was Rhaegar, riding to the Trident. But she was mounted on a dragon, not a horse. When she saw the Usurper’s rebel host across the river they were armored all in ice, but she bathed them in dragonfire and the melted away like dew and turned the Trident into a torrent.”
--Page 310

This is an interesting dream. The fact that the armies are armored in ice could signify that the Others will reach the Trident and Dany will fly a dragon to meet them there. Or perhaps the Trident locale is simply because Rhaegar died there, and the dream merely means Dany will fly her dragon to fight the Others.

5) Jojen’s Dream

“It was different when there was a Stark in Winterfell. But the old wolf’s dead and young one’s gone south to play the game of thrones, and all that’s left us is the ghosts.”

“The wolves will come again,” said Jojen solemnly.

“And how would you be knowing, boy?”

“I dreamed it.”
--pg. 277

This could mean that someday a Stark will rule at Winterfell again. Or it could just signify that the Starks will rise to be powerful again, as opposed to their bleak situation at the end of the book.

6) Patchface’s Song

Like in A Clash of Kings, in this book Patchface again sings a nonsensical song that seems to have a deeper prophetical meaning. From page 117:

“Fool’s blood, king’s blood, blood on the maiden’s thigh, but chains for the guests and chains for the bridegroom, aye aye aye.”

This seems eerily like the situation at the Red Wedding--the fool is Jinglebell, the king is Robb, the maiden is Roslin, and the bridegroom is Edmure, who is put into chains.