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Benton Harbor, Michigan

The Evening News

April 12, 1897


"It Was Moving In a Northwesterly Direction"

The Kansas air-ship has visited Benton Harbor. The distinction of seeing the aerial wonder does not now alone belong to Iowa, Illinois, Wisconsin and Kansas towns. The ship made its flight across the heavens over this city last night and was seen exclusively by residents on Morton Hill. John Lee, residing on Territorial St. is among those who were so fortunate as to get a glimpse of the marvelous vessel. It came in sight about 7:45 and traveled rapidly NNW. It was in view for fully fifteen minutes. To Mr. Lee it had the appearance of a huge ball of fire when viewed with the naked eye but with operas glasses leveled upon it Mr. Lee claims its aspect greatly changed, It threw off a variety of colored lights of soft, mellow luster. (Saturday was April 10, 1897)


Grand Rapids, Michigan

The Evening Press

April 12, 1897


"Ship of Space Startled Holland Last Night"

"It Coquetted About Over Black Lake and Then Darted Out of Sight!"

Holland, Michigan

April 12--- Hundreds of Holland people believe they saw the air ship at 8:55 last night floating over Black Lake. It was a large dark mass, apparently lighted with colored electric lights. After remaining stationary for several minutes it darted northwest and was soon lost sight of. The machine moved in a zigzag style and seemed under perfect control.


Battle Creek, Michigan

The Daily Journal

April 13, 1897


"What is Supposed to be It, Seen by Many Citizens Here Last Evening"

What is believed by many to be the much talked of, and mysterious airship, made itself visible to many residents of Michigan's Queen City, last evening about 8:55 o’clock. It was seen and distinctly described by persons who were at the time in widely divergent portions of the city. L.E.Clawson Esq. and J.H. Dorsey observed it from the window of the former’s office in the post office block. Ex. Ald. Thos. Barry, station agent at Nichols, saw it from that point; Dr. McGuffin from a point near the sanitarium. Others who witnessed the sight were W.A. Cody, M.J. Loomis, Dr. McNeil, and A.B. Williams Esq. In all some fifty people witnessed the curious sight. The “ship” when observed, appeared to be about two miles west of the city, travelling in a southeasterly course. At first it seemed to be about a mile high, then suddenly, it is averred by many who saw it, a report was heard which sounded at the distance like a gun, sparks flew forth, and the ship, which looked to be between 25 and 30 feet in length, commenced to settle slowly about half way down to terra firma, stopped for a few moments, a buzzing sound was heard, sparks again flew forth as from an emery wheel, and the uncouth object commenced to slowly raise in an almost perpendicular position. Suddenly the lights went out on the air monster and it at once became invisible. The sky was perfectly clear at the time.The time that the ship was visible would not exceed five minutes. The subject of the airship has been the main one under discussion today, but while many scoff at the idea of its being an airship, they cannot gainsay the fact that at least a strange phenomena was seen in the face of so many reputable citizens who observed the sight. It it was not an airship, what was it? Of course there has been much joking concerning it, and among the explanations offered was one that it was the brilliancy of the new city administration reflected in the sky, while another explained that it was the Republican balloon raising over the sanitarium on a trip skyward.


Saginaw, Michigan

The Evening News

April 13, 1897


"It Was Seen by Responsible Citizens In a Number of Cities"


"Red and Green Lights Were Seen and the Buzz of Machinery Was Heard"

Battle Creek — The airship, which is supposed to be in Michigan, was seen by some twenty reputable citizens in widely separated points of this city, at 8:55 o’clock last night, apparently from on to two miles west of the city and travelling in a southeasterly course, almost a mile high. Suddenly an explosion took place which sounded like the report of a gun. Sparks flew and the ship began to slowly settle to within half a mile from the earth. It remained down but a few moments, when a buzzing sound was heard. Again the sparks flew out, as if from an emery wheel, and the machine began to rise slowly in a perpendicular position again. Suddenly the light went out, after which it was impossible to see anything of the ship. The machine is described as about 25 or 30 feet long. It was only visible about five minutes. The sky was perfectly clear.

Niles — The mysterious object which has been inhabiting the heavens for the last two weeks and which is believed to be the airship, was visible from this city Sunday night and those who saw it are positive that the object they gazed at was not a star. It was rapidly moving northwest. No outline could be distinguished, but in the lead was a bright electric light. Following it were two lights, one red and the other green. The mysterious aerial visitor was watched until it disappeared from view. Reports from near by points state that the same object was seen.

Holland — A large black mass hovered over Black Lake for a few moments Sunday night, and then started off toward the northwest. Bright colored lights streamed out from in front and behind the object. People here think it was an airship.(Sunday was April 11, 1897)


Benton Harbor, Michigan

The Daily Palladium

April 13, 1897


"Benton Harbor has Seen the Airship"

Benton Harbor eyes are as sharp as anybody’s and the rest of the world needn’t think it can eclipse our vision when there are airships to be seen. Several of our people have seen the airship that has already startled the inhabitants of seven states and was last reported to be hovering over Chicago. No less then three persons, so it is reported about town today saw the thing, head lights, tail lights, outriggers, illumination, and all. To be sure, no one can give an accurate description of the “critter”, for that’s one of the peculiarities of the airship seen elsewhere, and we want our airship to be as mysterious as anybody’s. Moreover, everybody who sees it disagrees with everyone else as to its precise characteristics, altitude, rapidity of flight, Etc., but these are trifling details not to be considered at all as reflecting either on the accuracy of the beholders or the clearness of their eyesight. Here as elsewhere, the nature of the airship is not known, but it comes from Mars or any other planet we hope it has brought sufficient “atmosphere” of its own to exist until it reaches terra firma or gets near enough to be photographed. Even new Troy residents claim to have seen the alleged airship which has caused so much excitement. Some of the citizens of that quiet little village are ready to take their oath that an airship passed within 2,000 feet of them.


Battle Creek, Michigan

The Daily Journal

April 13, 1897


Niles, April 12 — The mysterious object which has been inhabiting the heavens for the past two weeks and which is believed to be an airship was visible from this city last night and those who saw it are positive that the object was not a star. The first discoverers of the supposed airship were W.H. Snyder, a prominent jeweler of this city, and Henry Wilbur, a Chicago travelling man. It was then plainly visible and was rapidly moving northwest. No outlines could be distinguished but in the lead was a bright electric light. Following it were two lights, one red and the other green. They notified other citizens and the mysterious aerial visitor was watched until it disappeared from view. Reports from nearby points state that the same object was viewed.


Detroit, Michigan

The Detroit Evening News

April 13, 1897




Battle Creek, April 13 — Twenty reputable citizens claim to have seen the mysterious airship last night, hovering above the sanitarium. Some claim it was a hot air balloon, but others insist it was an airship, because they heard voices. L.E. Clawson, a prominent attorney, and Mr. Dixon, a leading clothier, claim the ship was all one blaze of lights, as if covered with electric lights. Says Mr. Dixon: “The upper part was in the form of a cone, from which was suspended a large object, cylindrical in form. At the rear end of the lower object was some kind of wheel, which made a buzzing sound that was distinctly heard.” When first observed it was almost a mile high. Suddenly there was an explosion, sparks flew forth and the ship began to slowly settle to within a half a mile from the earth. Again the sparks flew out, as if from an emery wheel, and the machine began to rise slowly in a perpendicular position again. Suddenly the lights went out, after which it was impossible to see anything of the ship. Chas. F. Bock, the defeated candidate for mayor on the Republican ticket, if reported as saying that it was the Republican balloon that went up when Dr. Metcalf was inaugurated last night. Ex Sheriff Powell, who wanted to be justice of the peace, says: “Nonsense, these silly people were looking through beer bottles last night.” Yet many respectable citizens are ready to insist that they were sober and that the airship did pass over the city last night.



"Various Descriptions of the Airship From the Capitol"

Lansing, April 13: The mysterious airship which has created so much excitement throughout Iowa, Illinois, and sections of Michigan, was plainly visible here last night. Senator William G. Thompson, who was in the back yard of the Orphan’s home assisting the family cat to tree a ground mole, saw the airship plainly. While he could give no detailed description of the ship, he asserts that it was headed toward Caro, and was officered by a tall fleshy individual who bore a remarkable resemblance to Sybrant Wesselius. Gov. Pingree was leaving the capitol and his attention was called to the midnight visitor. The governor says that the ship had eight arms, like a squid or an octopus, and that the initials M.C.R.R. were plainly visible under the bow anchor. The governor is of the opinion that some of the railroad bills now pending contemplate the granting of exclusive aerial privileges in the state to the Michigan Central, and that the ship contained Henry Russell, the company’s Detroit attorney, who was making a secret call on Sky Olds. On the other hand, Mr. Olds, who saw the ship, denies the statement that the Michigan Central owns it, or that the company is seeking aerial franchises. “So far as that is concerned no special legislature is required,” said Mr. Olds, “The right to the exclusive control of the air in this state was given to the Michigan Central in its special charter.” Mr. Olds believes the airship is operated by John W. Blodgett, of Grand Rapids, in the interest of Julius Caesar Burrows, of Kalamazoo, who is seeking a second term, and is convinced that the ship is now on its way to certain legislative districts in the upper peninsula. The Hon. William A. French described the midnight visitor as a queerly constructed piece of apparatus in the form of a shrimp. He refuses to say anything more about it; but O.C. Tompkins declares that Mr. French might tell more about the ship. He thinks French owns it; that Albert Pack had it constructed for Mr. French to use in getting from Presque Isle, from where he holds office, to Dundee, Monroe County, where he lives. Perhaps the most plausible explanation comes from Rep. W.R. Bates, who was at one time Senator McMillan’s political secretary. Mr. Bates, who is a deep student of theosophy, declares that the so called airship is the astral body of the governor’s Detroit machine, and that in accordance with the practice of all astral bodies it is loafing in the vicinity of the presence, awaiting an opportunity to reincarnate itself. Mr. Bates explanation has created great excitement in the Senate late this afternoon, and William G. Thompson has called a caucus in Pioneer Hall tonight. Moore, Blakeslee, Robinson and other Pingree members will be excluded.


Grand Rapids, Michigan

The Evening Press

April 13, 1897


"A Dream of the Future Modernized Chicago Not the Only Windy City Where Air Ships Sail and Up To Date Firms do Business"

Last night about four hundred persons saw what is thought to be the mysterious airship that is prowling about the higher altitudes in the vicinity of Michigan. It was supposed to be the same flying machine that was seen in Chicago last Sunday and at Holland, Mich, yesterday. It looked like a speck of black in the sky, with a sort of searchlight upon the front and green and white lights in the middle and at the end. It traveled with enormous speed and its course seemed to be toward the moon, wherever that was. Suspended from the side was a large banner upon which was a large advertisement calling attention to the fact that the Bodenstein Clothing Company has a great trouser sale on 200 pair of fine hairline pants made to sell for $5.00, only $3.50. The firm was interviewed this morning and it was learned that they had supplied the airship crew with bicycle caps, sweaters, and belts in consideration of the advertisement in question.



"The Heavenly Invader Was Plainly Visible"
BR> "It Dodged and Sizzled Over Battle Creek and Finally Faded Into Space"

Battle Creek, April 13—An air ship was seen to pass west of this city last evening about 8:45 o’clock. The object seemed to be about a half mile high when first seen. There appeared to be something that burst, and thousands of sparks flew from it and it dropped toward the ground as from a skyrocket. Then it began to settle toward the ground. When within about a quarter of a mile from the ground it seemed to stop and made a sizzling sound that could be distinctly heard. Then it began to rise rapidly and almost perpendicularly, when the lights went out. It had two lights, one red, in front, and a light blue one behind. The distance between the lights appeared to be about thirty feet. When seen by twenty-five or more people in various parts of the city it was moving in a southerly or southwesterly direction. Among those who witnessed the strange craft were I.E. Clawson, a prominent attorney; W. A. Cody, a jeweler; Dr. McGuffin, Dr. McNeil, J. H. Dorsey, manager of the Western Union Telegraph Co’s office, ex-alderman Thomas Berry and M. J. Loomis, photographer.



No Hoax - Many Saw it!

An old newspaper article:


Is This How The Airship Appeared In The Evening?


Is This The Airship?





Good Audio Stories! It's Like The Radio!