Welcome to Yale's Office of Admissions

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Salutations from Yale! We have created this site to give you, the prospective student, a better idea of the admissions process. Here is what we value in a student:

Creativity and Initiative: We look at more than SAT Scores. In fact, of the 2700 applicants we accepted last year, ten of them had SAT scores lower than 1500! In fact, two athletic recruits had SAT Scores lower than 1450!

Social Consciousness: We disparage those who read Teen magazines and Harry Potter and buy into the American social construct! We pride ourselves on institutionalizing a new generation of thoroughbred academics to further prolong the value of question and societal boundaries in this banal society.

Genuine Intellectual Curiosity: In order to be accepted to Yale, you must really care about your studies. That means you must take the most rigorous courses offered and not devote your time to any one subject. In fact, if you take fewer than three AP's, we deem you a misfit of society. You do not love learning unless you take AP everything.

Leadership: We like people who lead things, but only if they are within social boundaries. For example, if you lead a Save World Hunger club, we love you, but if you lead an intellectual revolt against established educational policies, we will place your application with the unsatisfactory members of society who scored lower than 1200 on their SAT's.

Passion: We want you to truly care about what you do. If you force yourself to do four years of Model UN for college instead of just two, it shows that you have a real love for the activity. If you make up clubs that you started instead of being honest with us, it shows your real passion for social justice.

Diversity: We are looking for students of all races and socioeconomic classes. We are need blind, and have reduced our legacy acceptance rate to 82%. In fact, Yale's undergraduate college is now 30% minority (29.9% percent of those students are Asian) and we took someone who was pro-life last year.

Don't stress out about the college applications process, because where you go to school only partially determines your future in these years of economic instability. SAT's do not determine intelligence but if you have lower than a 1400, we will not accept you regardless of your academic credentials. And finally, best of luck. We look forward to reviewing and rejecting your application.

Not-so-sincerely, Yale admissions officers