Pictured Below: Moorefish Two-Faced Idolslap Bassist and Groupies (left: Becky, middle: Garrett, right: Jenny)

(Guitar: alternate between chords A and D at a slow tempo throughout the song. Bass: alternate between chords A and D at a slow tempo throughout the song. Drums: Hit cymbals ten times per guitar strum in a violent fashion.)

The moon was shining on my waspy seven-figure house.

The sky was uber dark, dude.

You were perched next to me and you inched your hand toward my shoulder.

I said:

(CHORUS): I love youuuuuuuuuuuuuu (break into high-pitched adolescent yelp).

You're so pretty and smart and pretty.

Your eyes are like the ocean.

Your hair is golden and nice.

Then when I got home from my swimming class at the Y, my mom said she wouldn't buy me the Playstation I wanted.

I would have killed myself with her prescription pills,

But I didn't cuz of you.

The adviser of the PC High Herald said I needed to add a quote to my article.

Sam didn't say 'hi' to me in the hallway.

But if it wasn't for you,

I don't know what I'd do, cause:


So here is my song to you, Christiiiiiiiiiina

I went on acne medication for you, Christiiiiiiiina

I love your personality, Christiiiiiiiina.

You're so unique in every way, Christiniiiiina.

I want to have a long-term emotional relationship with you, Christiiiiiiiiiina.

Man, oh Christiiiiiiiiiina.

(Please support our band when we play in Band Smash 2004 at the PCHS Cafeteria. We will be competing with "Bud, the One Man Band", "Bloodred Silversplat", and "Eelfire Atom Bomb." Even though our parents are lawyers and doctors, we need all the money we can get to buy a super-big amp).

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