Creep - Creeps dress as if they are 30 years old. At school, they are exceptionally quiet and mysterious. They tend to be intelligent and/or sleazy and can date all other dating types regardless of age or gender.
Hot Mean - Hot Means rarely have girlfriends other than Hot Dumb females. If they are dating, they cheat on their girlfriends or ignore them nightly to smoke and play a game of hoops with their buddies. If Hot Means are not dating, they are hooking up with drunk Hot Dumbs (and occassionally Hot Dominants). Boring Nice - A Boring Nice sometimes is good-looking but his defining features are his submissive nature and commitment to long term emotional relationships. He often is inhibited in what he says, and hence is boring. He is usually seen in boyfriend/girlfriend relationships with boring academic girls (and very very occassionally "unsuccessful" girls). Specimen/Teen Band - This type is a combination of Dan and Bud. One of his defining features is his insincerity. He believes that he is dating a girl for philosophical and romantic reasons when really he wants ass with a hot chick. Specimen/teen bands tend to date generally alternative females. Specimen/Spazz - This type has a fascination with video games and toys intended for age 12 and under. He has countless joules of energy and can be seen bouncing himself or a tennis ball at any moment. He tends to date generally alternative girls. Specimen/Dork - This type is known for his horrible sense of humor. If he is not thinking of his own obscure joke, he is quoting Monty Python or The Onion. He tends to be academic and join activities for the sole purpose of putting them on his college application. Like the other specimen types, he tends to date generally alternative girls.