Selected Courses

AP Bullshit -- An important part of developing one's maturity at PC High is learning how to be full of shit. In this class, you will enhance your skills in the following areas: White Lies, Idealism, Flattery, Diplomacy and Affectation. We spend the first half of the year learning how to communicate with others in indirect and ineffective ways.

General Studies, Curriculum 9 -- We don't give a shit about the students who aren't in AP classes. Therefore, we will combine all subjects and classes into one large class taught by one student intern. Students are given ripped textbooks and will spend 75% of the year reviewing simple addition. We stick to our "prison cell" policy: once you have entered this track, there is no way to escape it.

Honors English -- It's just like Curriculum 1 English only your classmates are 5 times more likely to discuss Anna's Taqueria, theatre, nothing, or Dan's latest article in the PC High Herald. Requirements: students enrolled in honors english must have passed a biased English test and must show aptitude to climb the intellectual hierarchy.

AP Lunch -- Socialize with other intellectuals of your social status. Learn which groups to hang out with in order to maximize your GPA.

Leadership 2004 and the diversities of today's society -- Students in this class are trained to force our morals onto other students at school. They become the future administrators of PCHS. Readings in this course include "Oppression," "The Color Purple" and "Their Eyes were watching God." We learn to organize "diversity" days at the school as well as create our own biased curricula.

AP Social Climbing -- Learn which social groups to join in the adult world in order to get what you want. Learn which professions and colleges produce the men with the highest social statuses. Use the rubric to rank your own social status on a scale of 1 to 100.

AP Gym -- Students who show strong interest and determination may be recommended for AP Gym. This is a rigorous course with examinations every week.

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