PC-Ville Crime Watch

Every week the PC-Ville Predator publishes the crimes reported to the PC-Ville Police Department. Last week, there were 98 calls to the police.

1. Man steals Kit-Kat from CVS. Wednesday June 18 a man was allegedly caught with an unpaid for Kit-Kat at the PC-Ville Centre CVS. When store employees asked him to pay for the candy bar he did.

2. Bench in PC Park found vandalized. Somewhere between 10:00 PM and 4:00 AM a park bench allegedly was vandalized. On the bench, "PC-Ville Predator Crime Watch Sucks" was sprayed. Suspected of the crime is a 15-year-old man with tan coloring.

3. Dispute erupts in Tofu Palace. Thursday, June 19, 5 PM, Yola Hindgarter, 49, was charged with assault against a 45-year-old woman. The two women had gotten into an argument when they both went to get the last box of NutraSpecial Fruit Bars. The 45-year-old reached for the bars and took them out of the freezer when Hindgarter yelled, "Excuse me, but, um, those are MY popsicles." She then grabbed for the popsicles. When the 45-year-old would not give up the popsicles, Hindgarter allegedly threw grapefruit samples from a nearby tray.

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