Gather around, beloved and revered affectellectuals. It is Roger and Anne's fifth annual dinner party. The guests are Alan, a history professor and former journalist for the PC-Ville Predator, and his wife, Greta, a part-time elementary school Bioethical and Philosophical Applications aide.

Alan and Greta ring the doorbell. Anne answers. Greta presents a gift of organic pasta with tofu pieces. Anne makes high-pitched squeals of delight and places the gift on her marble counter.

Roger nods to Alan and Alan walks into the house. A table is set up with candles. Jazz and/or Neil Young is heard.

The families sit down. Greta asks, "Hiiiiiii, how are you? How are the kids? Has your oldest started looking at schools?"

Anne responds, "Yes, and we're hoping for Harvard, or at least Brandeis."

The conversation does not progress among the women, but the men begin to discuss politics and the war with Iraq. Roger makes political cracks to impress Alan. Alan pretends to laugh, and then must prove that is he is more knowledgable about what's going on in the world by making a comment about how the journalistic coverage in Iraq is biased.

Roger changes the topic to what his lab is doing and uses the words, "Polymerase Chain Reaction," and "Polypeptide" to baffle Alan.

Alan retorts with a comment about medical ethics and then concludes that he has enough connections to get his kid into Columbia.

All of the adults have had some wine, and are beginning to get tipsy. Now, even the women's jokes are funny. Finally, Greta says that she has to take her youngest to dance in the morning and therefore must leave. She repeatedly thanks the couple. Alan nods a goodbye to Roger, and then makes a crack about the economy.

Back to PCHS for another day