The 5 Types of Adolescent Girlfriends

Hot dumb - Hot Dumbs must make up for their empty personalities with their stunning looks. Features on a hot dumb's body include highlighted hair, fake nails, tight designer clothing and high heels that cut off her circulation. She refuses to become sexually involved with any male besides a Hot Mean.

Hot Dominant - Hot Dominants are what all women aspire to be. Intelligent and demanding, HD's are attractive enough and powerful enough to hypnotize most men. They use S/M to satisfy their roaring sex drives. They are attracted to all dating types of any age and gender except Specimens and Unsuccessfuls.

Boring Academic - Boring academics tend to lack interest in sex/romance and, rather, focus on their schoolwork and prospects at Brown. When they do date, they are very cold around and disconnected from their boyfriends. They tend to be attracted to specimen/teen bands but normally date boring nices.

Generally Alternative - Generally alternative girls wear the following things: novelty marijuana T-shirts, spiked necklaces, skiing hats, strange homemade clothing, hemp necklaces, black lipstick, sundresses, plastic bead necklaces and wrist cuts. They tend to, on the surface, have avant garde philosophies, but in reality their thoughts are very conventional. When they are not experimenting with homosexuality, they date all types of specimens.

Unsuccessful - In addition to being physically unattractive, unsuccessfuls perform badly in school and lack social skills. They try to adapt to social norms but fail. They tend to date no one, however, some specimen/spazzes, specimen/dorks and boring nices have been seen with unsuccessfuls.

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