Favorite Musicians: Ani DiFranco, Dar Williams, Womyn Power to Fight the Men
JC identifies as a he-she-man-womyn. She is annoyed when people call her a human being because that makes too many assumptions about her. After failing math, she decided to devote her life to attending political rallies during school for causes that the government pretends to care about. She is vice-president of the Human Rights Activist Diversifying Respect Club as well as the GSA, where the main topics of interest are supermarket produce, including "The Onion". JC enjoys playing her acoustic bass, whining to her mom, making up philosophical theories to describe "Go Dog, Go" and making out with pictures of Melissa Ferrick on her wall.
JC had a great time at the "Non-Violence Peace Rally" last week. There, she protested against abstract ideas, and lay on the grass as a Phish cover band played music. Crushes: girl from BBHS (or so so she says), Dan (secretly), Hillary Clinton, Susan B. Anthony