Student Cited for Racist Comments
Yesterday, at the sports game at the gym, comments were made in the gym last Friday, said housemaster Don Brown said in a phone interview with.
"Somebody called Jamal Laqueem on the basketball team 'black' during the game," Brown was quoted to be saying.
The diversity committee, this Monday, might possibly meet to discuss expulsion for the student who made the comment, Brown said. "We want every student to feel safe. If any student is threated, we must take immediate action," he might have said.
The school will hold a special assembly to discuss the comment made, he said. A letter will in the future be on Tuesday sent to residences in PC-Ville, he said.
"I feel bad for Jamal," Christina, a junior, who is a junior, said. "I hope he doesn't feel unsafe at this school," she blurted.
The person who made the comment will be arraigned in court July 14. Brown said, "It's a travesty to us all."
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