How my peer interactions contributed to the creation of PCHS

Because I am intelligent and weird, I've been treated like shit by other people since preschool, so now I have no faith in people. Although each person is different, I see people collectively as stupid and very influenced by the opinions of others.

People in middle school and high school are the most influenced by what other people think. They are influenced to the point where they do ridiculous things such as refuse to hang out with someone with acne or a bad reputation. Because they are so ridiculous, adolescents can be made fun of very easily.

I don't think I'd make fun of them quite so much, however, if I didn't first have shitty experiences as an adolescent. In Middle School, people openly ditched me because of my physical appearance. As I grew older, people became more tactful and weren't so obvious when they slowly inched away from me at school. I could still see through them, however. My experiences have made me bitter, and you can see the bitterness in "A Day at PCHS." My appearance has improved considerably now, so other adolescents are nicer to me, but that doesn't take away the negative feelings I have towards them. If I ever got ugly, I'm sure they'd treat me badly yet again.

And you probably argue, "You're looking at these kids in the wrong way. Kids can be cruel. Mature people aren't like that. They judge each person individually." True, there are people who judge others individually, but the majority of high school students consciously or subconsciously judge others by appearance. It's ridiculous, but it's inevitable. So I relieve my anger towards the inevitable by mocking it.

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