Subject: English, Leadership
Head of several school and municipal committees, including, "Removing Bad Words from our Children," "Save the Ants," "Save the 60's," "Save the Manatees", "Peace United Corporation," "Zero Tolerance Policy Organization" and "We hate haters." Degrees Earned: BA in Gender Studies, Brandeis College; MS in Education, Tufts University. Philosophy: "I believe that there are so many people in the world whom are underrepresented. For example, I believe that the upper-middle-class Latino-American human being living next door to me deserves first pick in all jobs and universities. We must hold our hands together and break down the status quo. Harmony, peace, love, rainbows, and nice people. I HATE mean people." Age: 31
Ms. Pinkham is adviser of Help People IV Club
You're Not Allowed to Learn at PCHS
A deal with Fabricrombie and Rich (Pinkham tried to censor it)
Books in the core curriculum
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