Marcus: "Just fabulous! I am more beautiful than Judy Garland, and more intelligent than The Music Man."
Robert: "I, um, hate myself, and t-that's why I go to pyschological therapy sessions in addition to peer s-support groups." Chrazz: "I hate everyone, but I hate myself less than other people!" JC: "I love myself! We need to foster that kind of attitude in every teenager. You are more beatiful than a lilac, no matter what they say!" Ms. Art: "I do not evaluate myself individually, because I believe we are part of a whole being, greater than the sum of all parts." Ms. Pinkham: "It is inappropriate to ask such a personal question in this context." Dan: "Dude, I am better than everyone else. I am more sophisticated because I'm in a band, man, and I'm more of a genius cause I scored a high score involving my verbal SAT's, man." Mr. Curtain: "Well, I think I'm a pretty decent and moral person. I never have been and jail and, in my whole life, I have only goten one speeding ticket. Lousy Conneticut State Highway!" Christina: "I hate myself! I'm so fat and ugly! Now tell me honestly, do you think I'm fat?" Matt: "I'm the best person in the world. Period." The PC-Ville Parents: "I think that over the course of these years we've made some decent contributions to society. We donated $1000 to the Boston Ballet and $2000 to WGBH and $3000 to Antiques Roadshow. During the course of Robert's research, he discovered a gene in a Chinese Water Snapper. I raised three wonderful children, and what will be even more wonderful is if one of them gets into Harvard."