A PC-Ville Soccer Game
Welcome to a PC-Ville 3rd grade girls' soccer game!
The parents: The coach and 17 assistant coaches stand on the side of the field. The mothers line the sidelines. Whenever a kid makes a good pass, they yell, "Nice!" Whenever a kid scores a goal, they yell, "Nice!" Whenever a kid makes a shitty pass, they yell, "Nice!" When Jessie does not score a goal, her mother chastises her and doesn't give her dinner.
The playing: The kids clump into the center of the field. They chase the ball as if it were a small animal. Jessie dribbles the ball between Kallie's legs. She kicks the ball into the air and Maggie catches it.
The kids: All of the girls are thin and have long ponytais except for the goalie, who is obese.
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