Vocals -.....
Mike Foti- Guitar
Kev McNulty- Drums
Nick Bagicalupo- Guitar

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The outlook on mankind is grimm.....as lives progress the mind set of some people digress. One such example is a man named John Wayne Gacey. He would coax minors to his car, and then would chloroform them. Gacey then proceeded to rape and molest these minors. Perhaps the most twisted part of this whole cherade was that when they awoken from there chloroformed state he would be dressed up in a clown costume and offer the victims peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. A prospect is a future outlook on something so using John Wayne Gacey as an example we've created our own prospect. The day of a perfect world is no longer plausible, and the fact drifts into the furthest reaches of your mind that your child may grow up to be the next Manson, Geins, or Bundy this is the logic behind The Gacey Prospect.

It started around 2000 Kevin, Rj and Mike were in a band called Victims of a Popular Trend there weren't really happy with the band too much and were looking for a change, even having Marshall Jack of Downshaft doing vocals at one point, after all the non-sense,they decided to have Kev and Rj both do vocals and enlist the drum stylings of Dylan Jack. mike then suggested his good friend Nick Bacigalupo, Nick was great he added a completely diffent element of math related guitar style. Kevin and Rj were both doing vocals when it was decided they needed a bassist and were introduced to Aaron Heinold through mutual friends.
So everything was going very well, they came up with new material, and with the arrival of Aaron came the idea of adding some grind elements to there songs, some were more thrilled than others but eventually everyone warmed up to the idea. After playing numerous shows over the summer, school came up in a conversation at practice and un-bnounced to the rest of the band Aaron was leaving for college so August 27th, Aaron Heinold officially finished his stint with the Prospect, thus leaving the problem of getting a bassist when Kevin stepped up and acceepted the role. Later on it was decided by Dylan that he wasn't happy with the kind of music we were creating and wanted out. So after he left the best option would be to have Kev take the drums he did so and brought the final element we were looking for on the drum end of it.The gacey Prospect is in search of a new singer.....
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