My thanks go out to all those who patiently answered my questions and showed me the ropes, whether it was brazing, machining, or other random tricks. I appreciate it!

Above is a full view of my latest frame, a Dedacciai Zero Uno road racing frame. It has been done for a while, but it's taken me a long time to get a digital camera. Frame weight is 4.25 lbs, size is 56 cm. Since I am French-Canadian by descent, and can speak a little
French when necessary, I aimed to craft the frame in French motif ("Racine" is French for "Root"). Also, see headbadge below. In general, I was also looking to make a real classic design, which is why I chose horizontal dropouts, side tacked seat stays, internal rear brake cable routing, and so on.

Here is a front-on view of the frame. The headbadge I cast out of silver. Again in the French motif, a fleur-de-lis.

Here is another view of the headbadge.

This is a side-view of the head lug area. I decided to use small set screws for mounting the headbadge instead of brazing it on. I felt that I might melt the badge if i tried to braze it.

Here is a side view of the seat lug area. I was aiming for a classic seat cluster, so of course side-tacked seat stays it was. The rear brake cable routing is internal also.

This is a view of the seat stays, with my college racing team's stickers in place. Everyone here is happy to race for the alma mater, especially when she subsidizes our race fees ;-)

And, of course, the tubing sticker at the bottom bracket area.
Thanks to David Bohm, Josh Putnam, Damon Rinard, and others whose ideas and information have gone into this page.
If you would like to get in touch with me, please e-mail me at: root@student.uchc.edu
Created September 20, 1998. Last updated September 16, 2000.
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