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Steel Stems


This is kind of a long-range project, but I thought it would be neat to diversify into building custom stems in addition to frames.  Thanks to Tim Paterek for the dimensions of the steel to use for the stems.  I am building a quill stem, but the same principles can be used to make a threadless stem as well.  The steel is plain guage, purchased from Wicks Aircraft.  The aluminum topcap can be purchased from Nova Cycles.  And the binder bolt can be gotten  from just about any framebuilding supply house. 


Here are all the pieces to build a quill stem.  Quill is 22.2 mm O.D., 1.4mm wall thickness.   The actual horizontal stem piece is 25.4mm O.D., 0.9 mm wall thicknes.  The handlebar clamp piece is 28.6mm O.D., 0.9 mm wall thickness.  The whole shabang will be fillet brazed together, but i'm sure you could TIG it as well.  The topcap will have to be bonded into place, JB Weld perhaps?




Thanks to David Bohm, Josh Putnam, Damon Rinard, Fred Parr, and others whose ideas and information have gone into this page.

If you would like to get in touch with me, please e-mail me at:

Created September 20, 1998. Last updated December 30, 2003.

visitors since October 2000

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