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Track Bike

    So, sitting around one day last year, I thought to myself "what kind of bike have I not ridden yet?"  The answer: a track bike.  Not that it is a very practical bike, but fun nonetheless.  I had a lot of extra framebuilding parts sitting around, so I thought I would cobble one together.  It has so far been a very very slow work in progress.  Interestingly enough, the head tube lugs did not come with a seat lug, so I carved one custom to match.   You can see it on the custom lug page. 


yes folks, that is indeed a Masi dropout. 


Here is one view of the seat stay cap.  It is a solid plug that is brazed into the top of the seat stay.  It comes pointier then I show it here.  I filed off the point and rounded it out;  I think it looks better as more of a "spoon" then a point. 


Same as above. 



I leave the down tube out during the first brazing so that I can tweak the head or seat angles as necessary. 


Side on view of the jig.  Everything seems to be flat and parallel.  I also have a measuring guage that I run over the tubing. 





Thanks to David Bohm, Josh Putnam, Damon Rinard, Fred Parr, and others whose ideas and information have gone into this page.

If you would like to get in touch with me, please e-mail me at:

Created September 20, 1998. Last updated December 30, 2003.

visitors since October 2000

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