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Semper Fi #1 Memorial Honor Detail

These pages are dedicated to
the men and women of the
Semper Fi #1 Memorial Honor Detail
who unselfishly serve to see
that all veterans receive a final salute
for their service to our country

WW I 1917-1918
Served 4,743,826
Battle Death 53,513
Other Death 204,002
Wounded 1,662

WWII 1941-1945
Served 16,353,659
Battle Death 292,131
Other Death 115,185
Wounded 671,846

Korean Conflict 1950-1953
Served 5,764,143
Battle Death 33,667
Other Death 3,249
Wounded 103,284

Viet Nam Conflict 1964-1973
Served 8,752,000
Battle Death 47,393
Other Death 10,800
Wounded 153,363

Persian Gulf War 1991
Served 467,939
Battle Death 148
Other Death 151
Wounded 467

Beirut Marines Oct 12,1983
Killed in the Bombing 241
Wounded 100 Plus

USS Cole Oct 12,2000
Killed in the Bombing 17
Wounded 39

Remember, Freedom Is Not Free