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Just bits and pieces
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Guess who I am. Picture
was taken one week
after boot camp

Although I'm no Boot.
This was taken in 1959.
Guess who I am.

Okay Chuck, what are
you chewing on?
MCRD San Diego 10/4/02

Okay George, what are you posing for
MCRD San Diego 10/4/02

(Maria talking)
Joe, I told you the map was upside down
MCRD 10/04/02

No sir you turn right.
Joe, you and your short cuts
MCRD 10/04/02

The gathering
MCRD San Diego 10/04/02

MajGen Jan Huly
Commanding General
MCRD San Diego 10/04/02

Commanding General's Coin
MCRD San Diego 10/04/02

L/Cpl Molly, she received a meritorious promotion
to L/Cpl for service to the Semper Fi #1 group
MCRD 10/04/02

L/Cpl Molly and her Handler
MCRD 10/04/02