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How to get started with RoboLab

There is a lot more to this program than what is explained here, but this should be enough to get you started. Robolab is a system of Lego robotic programming.  On each computer in the classroom is the software needed to read and write the programs your RCX Brick will need to perform as a lego robot.  There should be a shortcut on your desktop.

Once you open the program, you will need to choose which side of the RoboLab application you will work on.  Pick Programmer if you are looking to program the Brick to run the experiments of the Amusement Park or Team Challenge kits.  If you choose Investigator, you will get a similar program geared towards using the RCX Brick as an element in scientific experiments.

This document is geared towards using the Programmer interface.  Select Programmer from the RoboLab window.  There are two horizontal sections to the next window.  The top is Pilot, the bottom is Inventor.  These are part of the system for opening the programs that are preloaded on the computer.  Each section has three portions: Level, Theme, Program.  If you select a Level, it should open some of the themes. Higher levels have more capabilities for the programmer.  Lower levels have fewer capablities, but may be easier to work with at first.  When you select a theme, it will open a set of programs. The icons in Inventor are more manageable, and there are better functions capabilies than in Pilot.  Choose the level and theme you want for the program you need.  Double click on the program, and it will open in a new window.  To get a blank diagram for creating your own program, double click on Inventor 4.

Saving files, working on files-You should be careful not to overwrite the programs in the RoboLab set.  Save your programs to the student folder you usually work on or put them in your folder on the F:Proxy drive.  Do all of your program editing on a computer that has a shared student folder.
Download stations-There are a few computers in the room that you can use to download your program to the brick.  You should not use those computers to modify your program, but rather to download only.  Open your program through network neighborhood on the download station, download it, then move away for the next person to download.

There are a few important elements to the Inventor interface.
Top window-This window identifies that you are working in RoboLab Inventor, and has a welcome message written in yellow on black.  If you close this window, it will quit the application.  You can control what windows are visible by using the Window menu.
Diagram window-This shows the diagram of the program you are working on.  You can customize the program by using the tools pallette and the functions window.  There is a button with a right facing arrow just above the diagram that you use to run the program and send it to the brick through the tower.
Tools window-To cycle through the tools with the keyboard, press the tab key, watch the cursor to see what tool you are in. There are a bunch of tools in the tools window, but you can get by with just a few at first. The arrow and spool of thread are the most useful. The arrow tool will allow you to select an action from the functions pallette.  You can then move it around in the diagram, and you can select multiple actions by drawing a box around them with the arrow tool.  The Spool tool is used to connect actions together by clicking on the top corner of an action in the diagram.  This will start a thread or wire, which must be connected to another action for it to work.
Functions Window-This is a list of all the functions or actions that are possible within the Robolab level you are working on.  To add an action, drag it into the diagram with the arrow tool, or one of the hand tools. If you want to change the port that a motor or sensor operates on, choose a port control.  The powered outputs are on the lettered ports and the sensor inputs are on the numbered ports.  Add them, move them around, wire them.  Check that they are going to work by looking at the errors list.  The program will not run to the tower and brick if there are errors.