The criteria agreed upon by participants before the project.
Some of the criteria include:
Dimension of the device -
maximum size limit: 18 inches by 18 inches
by 24 inches
Start location -
Where the device must begin its process. This must match the finish
location of the other participants. Top
center of left end.
Actions -
What each machine must do during its process. There should be more
than two required processes.
move one ball from the start location. It must touch the bottom of
the enclosure. It must finish the process by sending out a different
ball that has the same dimensions. We will use the wooden balls provided
with the Robix kit.
Finish location -
Where the device must end its process. This must match the start location
on the other participants. Top center
of right end.
Timing -
How long the process must take to complete. It should be long enough
to actually do something, but short enough to keep the action going.
60 seconds maximum time. Minimum time
is 50 seconds.
Deadline -
How long the group members may work on their solution. Having a common
deadline will allow everybody to test their solution at the same time.
Preliminary deadline is end of third term. this will allow for presentation
during the semester. it is possible also to display the solution at
the Spelling Bee event.
Finished robotic solution.
Web page documenting the process of its creation.
Printouts of the web pages for inclusion in class ring binder.