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The Personal Writings of WEB DuBois

"I believe, foolishly perhaps, but sincerely, that I have something to say to the world, and I have taken English 12 in order to say it well"---W.E.B. DuBois

This page is dedicated to the personal writings of DuBois in the hopes to give a more inside view of the man that he was and where his inspiration came from at the time of his writings. The writings of W.E.B. DuBois come from his experiences and the life that he lead while living in Great Barrington. My hope is to present to you the writings that he has created that reflect the love that he had for his home here in Great Barrington, and hope that it will give you more of an insight into a man not many people knew and only got to truly experience through his writings.

Within this site you will find areas of DuBois's through his writings and in each writing how he talks about his life here, in Great Barrington. Also the articles that i have chosen not only talk about hislife here in Great Barrington, but address very important topics that DuBois faced throughout his life, so there is a stronger meaning to them than just geographical area.

The writings come from a variety of sources such as his books Vi>Souls of Black Folk, Darkwater, and a few selected newspapers such as the New York Globe, The Atlantic Monthly, as well as the Chicago Globe.

The research was difficult because of the restrictions of what work i could use, but i hope that what i did find will help to show W.E.B. DuBois as only a few knew him as.

Table of Contents

Exerpts From Souls of Black Folk

Exerpts From Darkwater

Newspaper Articles

Final Interview
