The samdog turned 18 an gave his liver a present...
Let us just fill you in before we get started. The night belonged to sam, shared by mark, jim, al and craig. All were in for a big one, and all did. It started at rowers, once again, 1 dollar drink time. Craig got sam some freebies. Then off in a taxi to the la bar - giving 8 full drinks for 12 bucks, this is where the trouble began. The sam dog was continuously being given double strengthers by the bar maid (awesomely hot by the way)and craig was continuously scungin his way into sharing them with him. The rest of the boys knocked off their eight each, but with craig an sam goin doubles, an sam getting shouted shots of the dredded 'green sechuse', trouble was in the air. When the boys decided they wanted to get back into the town action, they began a trek back to the city. This was a fuckin long trek. From Paddington to the city, via the river walkways, with five drunk walkers, two of which continually were stopping to either lie on the floor or hang their heads over the rails. But after convincing one red nutted veteran to run for a bit, and an already stumbling mark helping sam on his shoulder they somehow made it. Upon reaching the city though, some had began to sober up, whereas others were just starting to make enemies with their stomachs... hence there was a cupple of visits to the hungry jacks amenities on the way. After getting kicked out of the restraunt in question because a certain denim jacketed person exhailed about six litres of finely produced spew, the now sobering up jim, mark an allan remembered a certain website they knew of, and hence the following photos.
Kicked out of hungry's, a new restraunt found, camera in hand and plenty of drunks to laugh at, why wouldn't ya be happy. Rude bustards.
Out of hungry's and out onto the pavement, the boys make love to the hardly clean queen street mall.
He's still goin! See boong, this is how you tune the ladies mate, show em what you're like in a horizontal position and spew ya load all over the pavement!
Craig mate, listen to sam, gotta throw ya load as well, or else no pick ups for you. Kath would be proud of his lagging pickup techniques.
C'mon boys, off the pavement, have a seat with uncle Ronald McDonald. (son of Ronald McDonger)
Hey, looks like sam's picup techniques work afterall! GROUPY ON THE BENCH!
"Hang on mate, you're not sposed to spew on me, help me Afro Man!"
Oh, hang on, WHAT THE F*CK! This aint how the script goes, what have you done sam? Al can't hook in, it's not allowed.
aaahhh, that's better! Al back to expressing his natural sexual orientation.
Hmm, what's the go here... looks like sam didn't take the rejection too well. Looks like he'll do anything to get some 18th birthday lovin, even give head to passing black men. An doesn't the black man love it!
"Doesn't matter bout what the black man thinks sonny, that shit's ILLEGAL! You're comin with us!"
"An you're lil read head poofter friend can come with us too, looks like he's been doing a little too much bending over tonight. Stand up straight HOMO!"
"Just one more chuck officer!"
After a lengthy visit to the copshop and a 'physical' punishment inflicted by the inmates at the watch house, the boy's grandpa was rung, who took them back home to wilston.
Having rid themselves of their embarressing mates, OFF TO THE MINX
Back to true little bitch giggling form, watchin his reputed stripper dance was all too much for the boy.
He wasn't the only one, this patron was still in an aroused state when leaving the club to end the night...
...but the entertainment was only just beginning. Samdog gave all the boys at the workshop quite a show the morning after.
Thursday night may have worn out to an end, but the festivities were still alive an kicking, so off to dinner at adam's oriental and then later to the valley to get hit on by blokes (JIM) and see the dougs sing songs of amature lovers (JIM AGAIN).
The highlight of the night, father an child's first public appearance and photo shoot for the papparzi.
An just like a responsible parent he took her home an put her to bed... hang on, why are his pants laying on the table??? Oh that's right, she was hungry too. What a dad!
The non child bearer's kept the night going and off to scary street!
But unfortunately after a short stint at the casino, the night came to an end...thursday night was just too hard hitting, sorry clinton mate, shoulda been there!
An the last song of the night - "I can't believe you don't root the young girls, It's what you do when you're an old guy! dooo dooo dooo wa ooooo oooo oooo