JimFest 2002 - Out to the country and into the cold, no distance or pissy cold weather can stop the group partying


The battle over the rum just got hotter




One Bacardi, Two Bacardi, Dance Like A Dork - the girls show a youngun their party style




How big's sam's mum's arse craig? - Leeanne looking scared, wondering if the boys talk about her this way...




Are any comments really necessary? You had to be there to hear the magical voice in action... I think Adam an Owen were wondering what the hell they were thinking letting him sing.




Kath seems to have a new competitor in the 'get down an jiggy with philp' scene... Mark doesn't seem to be too happy about the whole thing, maybe there's still a lil something goin on between him an nicco behind poor ol turtle's shell...




Some of the boys keeping their parts warm...Tom seems to be enjoying it a lil too much though.




This photo came straight from the X files... Two people asleep, a strange kind of flow of sexual energy flowing between linked hands causing their other hands to disappear inside their sleeping bags, i'm thinking this is intercourse for those who don't allow themselves too... a truly magnificent discovery, let's call it 'handual intercourse' shall we.




Tom! What are you trying to grab from Leeanne? Could it be the same thing Mark's grabbin on Larry. Who Knows, but Scotty's lovin the potential material, capturing every second.




'See Al, this how you tune women mate, just like a radio boongdaddy' Don't think sam's smooth words were sposed to give Al happy pockets though, follow the arrows to see what i'm talking about.




What's with the eyes? Was there something in those muffins larry? Or is Al's hand rustling through his hair? It's normal to get a boner that way isn't it?




Any Picture of Sean and Amanda's sure to bring laughs...




Who's Idea was it to give it to him the morning after? The shock of such an awesome gift was too much for the poor half drunk boy who'd only two hours ago downed 4 sambuca shots...




Should I, Shouldn't I?!? NO, BABS, STOP, I think she heard me cos the moof came away empty handed. All he wanted was one handful, just to make sure new years wasn't a dream...




The Group just Chillin, literally.




Gather Round Children |:-)