The Moofed luv doctor finally getting intimate with someone on a date.
"Gramps, have some of these NO-DOZE pills of sambo's mate! They're the bomb" "Naagh sonny, i gotta make the most of this chicken taste cos it's the last time i'll be gettin it for a while"
Larry seems to have hit the sweetspot...Laura's eyes show the coops toe's precision in hitting the mark.
Amy's big night in the valley...coccaine sales soared and the uni marks fell. NOOOOOOOOO
The crowd watching the show. Hey wasn't this the place where the audience gets 5 dollar lappies? Kath, amanda, you're needed.
Jimbo gettin his head in with the ladies for the night
Here come the exciting pics everyone
YEH, WOOHOO, keep em coming we were singin, 'bye bye ol chinese guys, gave my service to ya pelvis, was i good for a ride? You'd better say yes or i'll break down an cry. The rags are on an emotions are high...This'll be the night that Tom dies...
Who's for a groupy? Jim's got two hands up? Or is he just pointin at larry's rack?
Speaking of racks...i always knew philp had orange privates!