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Band Info

We are a young band recently formed out of the ashes of Underachevrs (1998-2002). Our name is based on George Orwell's book. Which is a nightmarish prediction of the future, where the government imposes its philosophy on all aspects of society.

We do not consider ourselves a "Christian band." Though everyone in the band is a Christian, and several of our songs are about God. How do you define a "Christian band"? We really just write about our lives, our pain and our struggles. We use music as our creative outlet.

It will probably be questioned that some of our lyrics are against God and church. I would like to clear the record now. I never meant to say that God doesn't exist or that he doesn't care. I very much believe that he does exist and care. Though we do have a strong dissatisfaction with the modern evangelical western church. We in no way meant to disrespect the sanctities of the institution of church. Nor did we mean to disrespect God in any way shape or form.

Every member of this band believes strongly in God and has a personal relationship with him. Why, personally with every inch of my being I believe that there has to be something more. After searching and reasoning Christianity is the only belief system that holds up.

Further explaining our thoughts on church. Church is one of God's greatest institutions. Designed for the fellowship and growth of believers, but we seemed to have lost site of this. Church has become emotion rather then deep spiritual meaning. I have had more spiritual moving experiences at concerts, or talking to fellow believers then at church. To me this is church. Spending time with other believers talking, sharing and connecting.

A few weeks ago I was going to my mom's office in a church. I was stopped three individual times and questioned. Because I am young, and because of the way I look. This is sad, ridiculous, and one of the reasons why so many young people are turned away from the church. Our songs reflect this dissatisfaction, but we do not condemn faith. Instead we call for a revolution. Not a revolution of hate and violence, but a revolution of drastic change. Where young and old alike come together and say we will experience God in a way that has not been imagined.

If we have to step on a few toes then sorry, but we don't care what people think of us. If our faith causes us to be alienated then so be it. We live in a country that says we can believe anything, and behind our back their taking away our freedom to believe. George Orwell's nightmarish prediction is coming true. It's time to wake up.

Now back to the band. I must stress the point that yes money and success are nice things. Though they are not the focus of the band. We just want to play have fun, make you have fun and maybe even make you think. If God blessed us with money and fame that would be great. To be able to make a living playing is a like living in a dream. We really don't care though; we'll go wherever God takes us.

We moved on from our nerd rock roots, and now classify ourselves as good old-fashioned American Rock and Roll. As of now we have four finished songs (two of which were written by my good friends former Underachevrs Stephen Jones and Nate Lucas). We also have two unfinished songs and two concepts. Our demo will be released at the end of August ,and we have several shows in the works.

Now that I've thoroughly bored you, please check out our lyrics, some hilarious pics, bios, concert info and plenty of unusual links. If you have any questions about the band or booking info contact us at