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In 1877 Professor (Elder) J.C. Keith, President of the Pierce Christian Church of Williams.  Through the efforts of W.H. Williams, the founder of the town, the new church was able to purchase three lots in block 55 of the new city for the sum of $50.00.  It was Charles Crocker of San Francisco that delivered the deed for this new purchase.

While Their building was under construction, the new congregation met for Sunday School and church services in the Grammar School, situated on the property where the Veteran's Hall is today.

The Fame building, a modest one built on the style of the day, was completed in 1881 and on the evening of the dedication many donations were made to this new church.  One of the donations was a new organ, given to the church by W.H. Williams, the founder of the Community.

July 1, 1881 Articles of Incorporation were filed.  The board of Directors listed on the original papers were: John F. Abel, Sr.; John W. Watson; F. D. Graham; W.C. Harris; and J.C. Crutcher.  The Incorporation papers were dated and signed by D.W. Burns, Secretary of State, July 21, 1881.  For the next Forty-Five Years it would be known as the Christian Church of Williams 

Fire!!  Fire!!        Fire!!          Fire!! Fire!!

On the stormy night of February 4, 1916 the cry rang out that the church was on fire.  Because of the wood frame construction, it was all gone.  No place to worship; all supplies destroyed.  All was lost.

There was nothing to do but rebuild, and that is just what they did.  While they were building, they used the Odd Fellows Hall as a place to have Sunday School and Church.  It was upstairs, but that did not stop this group of ambitious and dedicated members.

Just nine months after they watched their church burn to the ground the group of devoted Christians moved into their new church.  It was completed and dedicated on November 5, 1916

On Easter Sunday 1922, an organization came into being  which was to be known as the Williams Community Church.  The Williams Christian Church since that time has been known as the Community Church.

The first president was George Ware Sr., and the Secretary was Charles A. Schaad.  The records mention no Treasurer.  Rev. Thomas E. Watt was called as the first full time minister.

Under the pastoral leadership of Dr. C. Jefferson Hurtt an extensive remodeling of the church faculties was accomplished.  The Church took on a new look as the from was changed completely,  The Wee Kirk was built, as well as the new Manse and the Fireside room.

Today the Williams community Church is saved by Rev. Marvin L. Decker, who had this message fore the Centennial observance:

"The past One Hundred years have been exciting but the future is even more challenging.  Let's face it, knowing that the same God who carried the pioneers of yesteryear through the difficult places, will also hold us up when we would otherwise fail."

Source: Williams Community Church -Its First Hundred Years by Annette Fouch Waring and Augusta Fouch

